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Bearded since: 2004. I am an experimental beard grower.

Why did I grow my beard? I needed something to give my nondescript round face some shape and a beard seemed the best way to pronounce my chin. Plus a proper beard looks awesome and just demands respect!

How do I feel about my beard? I'd like to grow a full beard with long mustache, but my sideburns won't grow a) evenly on both sides b) thick enough.  My current extended goatee-mustache combo does look pretty good and grows from nothing to decent length in about six to eight weeks. I've been alternating between having the beard with the mustache and without it.  But I think I'm slowly settling on having it with the mustache, as I think it suits me better now that I'm a bit older.
Keywords: goatee_mustache


Bearded since: 2004. I am an experimental beard grower.

Why did I grow my beard? I needed something to give my nondescript round face some shape and a beard seemed the best way to pronounce my chin. Plus a proper beard looks awesome and just demands respect!

How do I feel about my beard? I'd like to grow a full beard with long mustache, but my sideburns won't grow a) evenly on both sides b) thick enough. My current extended goatee-mustache combo does look pretty good and grows from nothing to decent length in about six to eight weeks. I've been alternating between having the beard with the mustache and without it. But I think I'm slowly settling on having it with the mustache, as I think it suits me better now that I'm a bit older.

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