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Kirkland Preston
Bearded since: 2003.  I am an occasional or seasonal beard grower.

I first grew my beard to protect my face from the mighty north winds that blow across the desolate Kansas prairies during the winter months. Also, my "old man" has a beard and I'm just a chip off the Ol' Block.

I love it aside from the occasional, embarrassing "mustard in the 'stache" moments.
Keywords: full_beard

Kirkland Preston

Bearded since: 2003. I am an occasional or seasonal beard grower.

I first grew my beard to protect my face from the mighty north winds that blow across the desolate Kansas prairies during the winter months. Also, my "old man" has a beard and I'm just a chip off the Ol' Block.

I love it aside from the occasional, embarrassing "mustard in the 'stache" moments.

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