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Bearded since: 2003. I am a dedicated, permanent beard grower.

When I shaved almost ten years ago I decided to leave a part unshaved to see how it would look. I was quite happy with the way it looked on me so I decided to keep it. Since then I have been without a beard for just a few weeks.

How do I feel about my beard? I love my beard! I wouldn't want to miss it.  I mostly wear a goatee but have experimented with different types and love to have a nice, soft full beard, too.
Keywords: chin_curtain


Bearded since: 2003. I am a dedicated, permanent beard grower.

When I shaved almost ten years ago I decided to leave a part unshaved to see how it would look. I was quite happy with the way it looked on me so I decided to keep it. Since then I have been without a beard for just a few weeks.

How do I feel about my beard? I love my beard! I wouldn't want to miss it. I mostly wear a goatee but have experimented with different types and love to have a nice, soft full beard, too.

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