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Glenn McIntyre
Bearded since: 1973.  I am a dedicated, permanent beard grower.

I grew my beard as an experiment at first. Never experienced itching or other problems. Liked the look. Decided to keep it and have. Since 1973, I've only been clean-shaven for approximately 18 months.

How do I feel about my beard?  Attached. My beard is an integral part of my personality, of "me".   Proper cut and grooming are more important for my beard than for the top of my head. I do not anticipate shaving it off, ever
Keywords: full_beard

Glenn McIntyre

Bearded since: 1973. I am a dedicated, permanent beard grower.

I grew my beard as an experiment at first. Never experienced itching or other problems. Liked the look. Decided to keep it and have. Since 1973, I've only been clean-shaven for approximately 18 months.

How do I feel about my beard? Attached. My beard is an integral part of my personality, of "me". Proper cut and grooming are more important for my beard than for the top of my head. I do not anticipate shaving it off, ever

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