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Aleksa S.
Bearded since: 2013. I am a dedicated, permanent beard grower.

Why did I grow my beard? I forgot to shave for like three weeks. Kinda liked the product I got. After some time of growing it again for four weeks I got into a relationship with one special person who made me happy. She asked me why don't I grow my beard and why do I shave it off. I started and after like a month and a half of growing it, I showed off that it looks quite good on my face when I fix my hair and it made her happy!So I was finally a HAPPY BEARDED guy with woman who loves the beard on me.  So I grow it for my and her happiness. :)

How do I feel about my beard? Happy. I feel happy :D

Aleksa S.

Bearded since: 2013. I am a dedicated, permanent beard grower.

Why did I grow my beard? I forgot to shave for like three weeks. Kinda liked the product I got. After some time of growing it again for four weeks I got into a relationship with one special person who made me happy. She asked me why don't I grow my beard and why do I shave it off. I started and after like a month and a half of growing it, I showed off that it looks quite good on my face when I fix my hair and it made her happy!So I was finally a HAPPY BEARDED guy with woman who loves the beard on me. So I grow it for my and her happiness. :)

How do I feel about my beard? Happy. I feel happy :D

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