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Chris Doherty
Bearded since: 2006. I am an experimental beard grower.

I was slightly scalded by steam and could not shave for a few days. My wife said, "you're not growing a beard." At that stage I wasn't, but then I thought, "I don't need your permission" and did just that.

Some friends say it suits me. Others say it has taken years off me. The wife is crazy about it and family have nicknamed me Carlos (of the Desperate Housewives television show).

Updated photo:
How do I feel about my beard?  Younger looking yet mature.
Keywords: full_beard

Chris Doherty

Bearded since: 2006. I am an experimental beard grower.

I was slightly scalded by steam and could not shave for a few days. My wife said, "you're not growing a beard." At that stage I wasn't, but then I thought, "I don't need your permission" and did just that.

Some friends say it suits me. Others say it has taken years off me. The wife is crazy about it and family have nicknamed me Carlos (of the Desperate Housewives television show).

Updated photo:
How do I feel about my beard? Younger looking yet mature.

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