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Allen S.
Bearded since: 1996.  I am a dedicated, permanent beard grower.

I grew my beard because I have always liked the look of facial hair.  I have had some sort of facial hair since college.  It has kind of evolved as I got older. I grew a mustache which later became a goatee, and then a beard.  As my beard began to fill in and mature, I started to experiment with more and more fullness. I used to have a few bald spots in it that have now filled in. The mustache and goatee area was thicker at a younger age and the sideburn and jawline area is still a little thinner than I would like for a full beard, but it does fill in enough to look pretty decent. I think any man that can grow a beard should wear one with pride.  

How do I feel about my beard?  I have always liked the look of a full beard.  I really like the feeling of a full beard and the way I look in a full beard.  Fortunately, my beard has now become full enough to "pull off" a decent full beard.  I tried to grow a full beard in my mid-twenties and was not really impressed with the results.  It got a little fuller in my thirties.  I am happy that I am maturing and can now grow a nice looking full beard.  So I guess you could say that I am proud of it.  I do have a little bit of "beard envy" toward those guys that have whiskers like barbed-wire and can pull off an amazing full beard in a couple of weeks.  I want to let it keep growing.  I trim it back occasionally, but I think a long, wild, woolly face is really masculine and really a nice look for any man that can grow a good looking full beard.  I do not really understand why any man would prefer to shave his face and look like a prepubescent boy, when he has the facial growth to allow him to grow a beard and look like a man!
Keywords: goatee_mustache

Allen S.

Bearded since: 1996. I am a dedicated, permanent beard grower.

I grew my beard because I have always liked the look of facial hair. I have had some sort of facial hair since college. It has kind of evolved as I got older. I grew a mustache which later became a goatee, and then a beard. As my beard began to fill in and mature, I started to experiment with more and more fullness. I used to have a few bald spots in it that have now filled in. The mustache and goatee area was thicker at a younger age and the sideburn and jawline area is still a little thinner than I would like for a full beard, but it does fill in enough to look pretty decent. I think any man that can grow a beard should wear one with pride.

How do I feel about my beard? I have always liked the look of a full beard. I really like the feeling of a full beard and the way I look in a full beard. Fortunately, my beard has now become full enough to "pull off" a decent full beard. I tried to grow a full beard in my mid-twenties and was not really impressed with the results. It got a little fuller in my thirties. I am happy that I am maturing and can now grow a nice looking full beard. So I guess you could say that I am proud of it. I do have a little bit of "beard envy" toward those guys that have whiskers like barbed-wire and can pull off an amazing full beard in a couple of weeks. I want to let it keep growing. I trim it back occasionally, but I think a long, wild, woolly face is really masculine and really a nice look for any man that can grow a good looking full beard. I do not really understand why any man would prefer to shave his face and look like a prepubescent boy, when he has the facial growth to allow him to grow a beard and look like a man!

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