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Bearded since: 1997.  I am an occasional or seasonal beard grower.

I grew it out of curiosity, since neither my father nor brother can grow one.  hehe

I like my beard.  But I have to be careful not to shape it too much, or else I have to start over, as it only looks really good at a particular width on my face (top shaved down a bit, neck line up, and sculpt a little above the chin).
Keywords: full_beard


Bearded since: 1997. I am an occasional or seasonal beard grower.

I grew it out of curiosity, since neither my father nor brother can grow one. hehe

I like my beard. But I have to be careful not to shape it too much, or else I have to start over, as it only looks really good at a particular width on my face (top shaved down a bit, neck line up, and sculpt a little above the chin).

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