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Bearded since: 2000. I am a dedicated, permanent beard grower.

I grew my beard for many reasons: because I could, because it helps shape my personality, because girls were so against it for so long... It's MY BODY. LOL.

How do I feel about my beard? Fantastic! Though I need to find better quality razors, I go through three Bic razors when I shave it entirely off, or just doing a clean shave of my neck. I experiment occasionally and I have as much fun with it as possible.
Keywords: mutton_chops


Bearded since: 2000. I am a dedicated, permanent beard grower.

I grew my beard for many reasons: because I could, because it helps shape my personality, because girls were so against it for so long... It's MY BODY. LOL.

How do I feel about my beard? Fantastic! Though I need to find better quality razors, I go through three Bic razors when I shave it entirely off, or just doing a clean shave of my neck. I experiment occasionally and I have as much fun with it as possible.

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