The world’s first website dedicated to promoting beards
All About BEARDS was the first website exclusively devoted to all aspects of beards. The site was launched to raise awareness, acceptance, and appreciation of beards. It is just as important that All About BEARDS was also created to be a place where anyone interested in beards and growing a beard could find helpful information about beards along with encouragement and inspiration.
The main message of All About BEARDS was to say to the world that beards are worthy of appreciation, and it is natural for potential beard growers to be curious about beards and seek information about beards.
Right from the start, All About BEARDS proclaimed that beards deserve respect, acceptance, and even admiration. The site set out to change hearts and minds about beards to reduce widespread anti-beard bias. All About BEARDS encouraged all men to boldly grow their beards, leaving all doubt and hesitation behind while dismissing the outcry from anti-beard naysayers. All About BEARDS‘ never-ending campaign to encourage and inspire more men to grow their beards is based on the bedrock principle that the more men there are with beards, the more common beards become. And the more common beards become, greater beard acceptance follows.
Before I started All About Beards, there was something called The Beard and Moustache Page. It resided on a web server at the University of East Anglia in England. Online searches as of today’s date do not show any trace of the existence of The Beard and Moustache Page.
The Beard and Moustache Page was strictly a web forum. It was a page with a running stream of users’ questions, answers, and related discussions about beards and mustaches. It wasn’t a full-fledged website dedicated to beards. Even its name clearly called it a page, not a site.
All About BEARDS was the first standalone website dedicated to being all about beards.
The Beard and Moustache Page is long, long gone and barely remembered at all. Meanwhile, All About BEARDS is still here and still dedicated to its mission to:
- promote beards and beard growing
- educate people about beards and be a resource for beard information
- encourage beard appreciation and acceptance
- work to reduce anti-beard bias
- encourage and inspire men everywhere to grow their beards as they please
All About BEARDS also holds the title of “world’s longest-running beard website”. And it’s been helping men grow more and better beards, worldwide, since January 17, 1996.
San José, California: home of All About BEARDS

All About BEARDS sprouted from San José’s Blossom Valley, making its debut on the web on January 17, 1996. The little site was launched on a big mission: to make the world more beard-friendly. It was a tall order. Beards were far less prevalent and far less accepted in 1996 than they are now or even the last couple of decades.
The site’s been named All About BEARDS from the first day, January 17, 1996. Its first home was on America Online (AOL) user webspace at the address Soon after the site had been established there, I looked into registering a domain specifically for the site. I looked at the domain and it had not yet been taken. But then I hesitated and didn’t register it immediately. Soon, someone else picked it up.
I was disappointed but accepted that I let it get away. Quite a bit later on, the beards. org domain was put up for auction on eBay in August 2004. By that time, the domain had already changed ownership a few times. I won the eBay auction for the domain. I don’t remember how much I paid. I don’t think it cost me very much.
With the domain in hand, I quietly started preparations for moving All About BEARDS to I don’t know why I took so long. But I launched All About BEARDS at its new home on on January 20, 2005. And the site has been here ever since, interchangeably known as All About BEARDS or simply
All About BEARDS 2025

Watch for some new surprises on All About BEARDS in 2025. We will be looking back and growing forward.
Let all men be free to grow their beards as they wish

All About BEARDS‘ key mission is to help pave the way for men everywhere to be free to grow their beards as they see fit. No man should feel shy, reluctant, or not at liberty to grow his beard if he wants to. All About BEARDS is here to help him out, to encourage him, to inspire him, and to make it easier for him to truly experience the Joy of Beard.
Ready to start? Let’s grow!
Happy 2025 to everyone.
Great article, showing “All About Beards’s” beginnings, purpose, standings and longevity. To me it is the best source, regarding beards, in the web. It will keep growing with time along with helping visitors and new generations ahead.
Thank you, Alec. I value your kind feedback.
Hey Steven, this is really great for your website, and if I may say so…. For our website.
Yes, because you are the creator, the inventor of this fantastic idea, but all of us who draw from these pages the primary essence of Having a Beard, then we can feel part of this enormous project.
Me and my beard are with you, with this website and with the project of All About Beards.
Thank you, Salvatore, for your kind words of support. They mean a lot to me. Grazie.