All posts by Steven Wilson

Let’s grow the definition of beard as a verb

We beard growers, beard advocates, and beard fans ought to make the word beard‘s meaning as a verb work better for us!

Words are important. Let’s leverage the power of the word beard.

To beard or not to beard?

How is the word beard used as a verb in English? Common dictionary definitions of beard as a verb include:

  • to boldly confront, oppose, or defy
  • to furnish or supply with a beard

An older definition of beard as a verb is:

  • to grab, pull, or even pluck a man’s beard

The above definitions for beard as a verb are not commonly used today. How about we add another definition of beard as a verb?

Let's grow the definition of beard as a verb. Beard image 3. Beard: Chris.
Beard: Chris. Click on image to view larger.

Let’s adopt this additional definition:

to grow one’s beard

This applies to both new beard growers in their initial stages of the beard growing process as well as to those who continue to grow their established beards.

Examples of usage:

  • Oh, look. Johnny is bearding. (Johnny is growing his beard.)
  • Chris is an expert at bearding. (Chris is an expert at beard growing.)
  • I am going to beard starting next weekend. (I am going to start growing my beard next weekend.)
  • Scott beards in a big way. (Scott grows his beard in a big way.)
Let's grow the definition of beard as a verb. Beard image 2. Beard: Chris.
Beard: Chris. Click on image to view larger.

Why use the word beard this way?

Here are some reasons:

  • It’s quicker.
  • It’s easier to say.
  • It’s kind of fun and cool.
  • Beard enthusiasts should own some of our beard terminology.
  • It emphasizes that growing our beards is something that we do.
  • It’s already in use to a limited extent. Let’s spread the word!

Is it really too much to keep saying “he’s growing his beard” that it needs to be shortened to “he’s bearding”? No. It’s not. We can and should use both “he is growing his beard” and “he’s bearding”. The shorter form is novel and more convenient while the longer form is more conventional.

A form of using the word beard to mean “to grow one’s beard” has already been in use for a number of years. Phrases such as “beard up” and “beard on” are imperatives essentially based on the “to grow one’s beard” definition. These phrases are ways of saying “grow your beard” or “keep growing your beard”. We should expand on this usage even further.

Let's grow the definition of beard as a verb. Beard image 4. Beard: Chris.
Beard: Chris. Click on image to view larger.

You beard. I beard. Let’s all beard!

Language is always evolving. How can we add a new definition of beard as a verb? The way to do it is to just start using it. Widely adopted changes in the usage of language are what bring about changes to the language itself.

Whenever you can, say “he’s bearding” instead of “he’s growing his beard”. Or say “you really should beard” instead of “you really should grow your beard”.

Treasure your beard. Enjoy your beard. Enjoy the whole beard experience. Beard: it’s something that we do.

Beard up. Beard on. Beard forever. Let’s do this! Spread the word. Start using this additional meaning of the word beard today. Use it freely and regularly!

Happy bearding!

Love the Special Power of Changing Up Your Beard

Your beard gives you a special power. It’s the power to change your appearance in a big way. This can lead to new discoveries and personal development for you as well as various effects on others.

You experienced this when you grew your beard for the first time. Keep in mind that you can multiply this power by changing up your beard whenever you like.

An underappreciated aspect of the Joy of Beard is the option to change up your beard in a variety of ways. This can bring about unexpected positive results. You should consider trying it, even if you are skeptical.

A man’s ability to grow a beard is a special gift, a privilege you might say. Boys cannot grow a beard. They can only dream of someday becoming a man who grows his beard. But not all men are even blessed with the ability to grow a beard. It really is a gift.

Those who are fortunate to be enabled for beard growing should embrace and even love the privilege. They should grow their beards with wholehearted joy.

Above: Barry with a big beard looks completely different from Barry with a short beard. Click or tap on either image to view larger.

The power to change your appearance

When you first grew a beard and abandoned the tedious task of shaving, you revealed your true face. You may have settled on a particular beard style and have stayed with it. If you’re happy with your beard as it is, you may believe that there is no need to even think about changing it. That’s an understandable position to take. But consider stretching out of your comfort zone to try something different with your beard. You may unexpectedly find that you like the new state of your beard even better. This could happen even when trying out a beard style that you may not care for. This happened to me. That’s a story for another post.

Keep in mind that changing up your beard does not mean that you are permanently giving up your current beard style. You can always go back. But it can happen that you decide to stay with the new beard for a long run.

Some ways to change up your beard:

  • Grow your beard bigger and longer. Perhaps even go for a “yeard”, that is, letting your beard grow without trimming for a full year.
  • Reduce your beard to a shorter one or even a stubble beard.
  • Do the unthinkable and shave off your beard just for the pleasure of re-growing it.
  • Color your beard.
  • Switch beard style types:
    • Go from a goatee to a full beard or do the opposite.
    • Try out an uncommon beard style such as a chin curtain.
    • Create your own beard design.

You have the power. Use it!

The power of changing up your beard. Big beard at work: Barry. Photo 3.
Big beard Barry at work! Click on image to view larger.

The power to change your self-image and attitude

Changing up your beard changes how you see yourself. A change to your beard may surprise you. The new look may please you way more than you could have expected. Then it happens.

When you look in the mirror and the way your beard looks makes you happy, that is a most awesome feeling. There is true power in that.

Loving the way your beard looks is not a matter of vanity. It’s recognition of the joy that comes from the gift of being able to grow a beard and the many options that it brings. You know it when you look at your beard in the mirror and cannot keep from smiling!

The power of beard happiness strengthens your confidence and instills a positive attitude. You can be inspired to achieve more, to achieve greatness. You can be inspired to help others and do other things that make you a better man.

Changing up your beard can lead you to the power of “beard happiness”. Trying out different changes to your beard can lead you to the beard that makes you feel that happiness and power. You don’t have to make a permanent change. You may end up returning to the way you originally had your beard. But you’ll go back there with a new appreciation. Or you may find a beard style that you like much better and never go back to your original beard style.

The power of changing up your beard. Short beard: Barry. Note the perfectly shaped neckline. Photo 5.
Short beard Barry out on a casual hike on a nature trail. Take note of his perfectly shaped neckline. Click on image to view larger.

Beard power from the heart

A friend recently shared how he feels about changing up one’s beard:

Growing your beard and changing up your beard whenever you like demonstrates pride in who you are. It reflects what’s in your heart.

First, it’s a gift to yourself to grow and change up your beard. It’s fulfilling the promise of the gift of beard that you’ve been given. What you do with your beard shows how you care for yourself and seek change and improvement.

Second, your beard and its changing form is an expression of love to share with others by letting them see it. They can see the change in the beard and the change in you. Giving to others, sharing with others enhances yourself and helps others. It’s a circle of virtue.

Your beard is part of who you are and what you can accomplish.

We really mean it when we say that the beard is a gift. It is. And it is up to you to make the most of your gift of beard by using it to enhance yourself and accomplish more. Your beard in all its forms strengthens you by lifting your spirit and hopes, leading you to achieve more for yourself and others.

Above: Scott appears with three beard sizes: short, bigger, and even bigger. Big difference! Click or tap on any image to view larger.

How often should you change up your beard?

Change up your beard whenever you feel like it. It could be frequently. It could be rarely. Just be open to trying it when the time feels right. You never know where it will lead you. Follow your heart. Do your best always. Love the special power of changing up your beard.

Enjoy and treasure the whole beard experience.

The power of changing up your beard. Behold his even bigger beard: Scott.
Scott changed up his short beard and achieved this clearly majestic beard! Click on image to view larger.

Sacrifice Your Beard for a Wedding? Don’t Automatically Surrender!

Should you sacrifice your beard for a wedding or some other special occasion? Proceed with caution. Keep an open mind and focus on preserving and nurturing your relationship with the person requesting that you get rid of your beard. Be understanding, flexible, and willing to bend, if necessary, for the sake of family ties.

Is someone pressuring you to shave your beard for a wedding? Would it happen to be the bride-to-be? There have been many cases in which brides-to-be have asked members of the wedding party to divest themselves of their beards. Each situation is unique and should be carefully evaluated in the context of the interpersonal relationships. However, do not allow intimidation to send you immediately to the razor without exploring your options!

Should you shave your beard for a wedding? Featured beard image 2: Barry.
Classic full beard: Barry. Click on image to view larger.

What’s the deal with the “no beards in my wedding” requirement?

Just about any man can be vulnerable to wedding beard-removal pressure. Targets may include any or all of the following:

  • groom
  • groomsmen
  • best man
  • father of the bride
  • father of the groom
  • other relatives of either the bride or the groom

Of course, a bride’s wedding day is her big day. She dreams of it all being perfect. That’s understandable. Keep in mind how important this is to her.

But why should a man’s beard be targeted for removal? Who else gets pressured to make such a major change to their physical appearance for a wedding?

Well, it’s not really a fair request to begin with. Don’t dismiss it out of hand. But don’t immediately give up, either. Exploring your options could be a learning and growth opportunity for all involved. Focus on building your relationship with the beard-removal requester. That is likely more important than the potential temporary loss of a beard.

Should you shave your beard for a wedding? Featured beard image 3: Barry.
Classic full beard: Barry. Click on image to view larger.

Wedding photos with or without beards?

Frequently, the “problem” isn’t with the man being bearded at the wedding. Many times, the problem is that the requester does not want beards in the wedding photos.

The “no-beard” rule may be applied with seemingly random standards. How about the case of the groom being permitted his beard, but the rest of the men in the wedding party must be beard-free? Often, you cannot make it make sense.

Wedding photos are intended to capture the event and the people who take part. Consider the case of a man who is normally bearded, with the beard being a well-established part of his appearance and identity. If he shaves his beard specifically for the wedding, his beardless appearance in the wedding photos represent a temporary artificial representation of himself. He will not appear in the photos in the way that people have known him. He may not even be recognizable to those who know him.

Another thing is that perhaps it’s important to the man that he appear in the photos with his beard. When he and others look at the photos years later, they will see the unfamiliar beardless face instead of the regular bearded face they know and love.

For the man who gave up his beard for the wedding, it may seem strange to see himself in photos without his beard. He may not like that his beard was missing from his appearance at the event. That’s not a big deal. But it can feel funny. I have felt something similar when seeing myself in a photo of a special event before I was able to grow a beard. I look at the photo and think, “Gee. I wish I could have been bearded in this photo.” Again, it’s not anything major. It’s just kind of an unexpected feeling.

Should you shave your beard for a wedding? Featured beard image 4: Barry.
Classic full beard: Barry. Click on image to view larger.

Respect the feelings of the one requesting “no beards”

Yes, it’s not really fair to ask a man to shave his beard for a wedding or some other special occasion. However, always keep in mind that for the person making this request, it’s their very special day. Don’t take a hardline approach. Handle with genuine care and respect.

Have a lighthearted conversation with the requester to make your feelings known. Gently see if you can win acceptance of your beard for the event. If the delicate negotiation succeeds, then great! Problem solved…you hope.

Should you shave your beard for a wedding? Featured beard image 5: Barry.
Classic full beard: Barry. Click on image to view larger.

If gentle negotiation fails

If the requester cannot be gently persuaded to drop the beard-shaving requirement, stay calm and cool. At this point it all comes down to preserving the relationship or not. If you want to preserve the relationship, you’ll have to step up and agree to shave. Yes, it’s not fair. Yes, you do not want to lose your beard, even for a short time. But make the person happy and agree to get rid of your beard for the big day. It’s an investment in the future happiness of your relationship.

Should you shave your beard for a wedding? Featured beard image 6: Barry.
Classic full beard: Barry. Click on image to view larger.

Here’s the upside to sacrificing your beard for the wedding

Despite the unfairness of being pressured to change your appearance in a big way that others are not, you’ve taken an important step to protect your relationship with the requester. Don’t resent having gotten rid of your beard. Again, view it as an investment.

You may be justified in feeling that sacrificing your beard for a wedding was unfair. You may feel that giving in will only embolden the requester to continue similar behavior in the future. That may be. But if there were ever a time to let it slide, this would be it.

The big bonus is that after it’s all over, you are free to grow again. Enjoy the pleasure of growing and experiencing the glorious and triumphant return of your beloved beard! You deserve it.

Your beard is important

Your beard is important and so are you!

Chris and I came across an intriguing sticker that someone had slapped onto a structural column. We were doing a photo shoot for that day in the summer heat. We took one photo of Chris and the sticker, which you see as the featured image at the top of this post.

The thought-provoking message of the “YOU ARE IMPORTANT” sticker got me to thinking that if you are important, well your beard is important, too.

A beard’s importance

Your beard is important. Chris featured beard image 1.
Grow your beard proudly and with purpose. Your beard is important and so are you. Beard: Chris. Click on image to view larger.

How can a beard be important? Cynics may say that it’s ridiculous, that a beard is just hair. Well, it is made of hair. But it’s much more than that. While people may not come right out and say it, they put a lot of importance on hair. Otherwise, why do men and women spend so much on haircuts, hair styling, hair coloring, and hair products each year? Simply put, the care and styling of one’s hair is an important part of maintaining one’s image. Both men and women put a great deal of importance on looking their best. For a man, his beard is an important part of looking his best.

For a man, some may think that his beard is just an optional feature of his appearance. However, his beard is one of a man’s most powerful options because of how dramatically it can change his appearance. The ability to change a man’s appearance so significantly gives the beard a great deal of importance.

Growing a beard, especially for the first time, can require courage. For many, it takes a lot of courage. It also takes dedication. A man can learn a lot about himself by experiencing the beard-growing process. The self-knowledge a man gains by growing his beard can provide an important boost to his confidence and self-esteem. It’s not just growing a beard. It often is a life-changing adventure.

The boost a beard brings to a man’s confidence and self-esteem also builds courage, dedication, perseverance, and other qualities that can lead a man to become a better man. And a better man can do greater things for himself, for others, and for the world. You never know how much impact a good, bearded man can have.

Live free and bearded

Your beard is important. Chris featured beard image 5.
Exercise your freedom to grow your beard. It’s important! Beard: Chris. Click on image to view larger.

For many men, growing a beard represents freedom. This is especially common among men after leaving military service. Having been subjected to compulsory shaving while serving, growing a beard after military service gives a sweet sense of freedom. Few things are more prized than freedom. When your beard represents your freedom, that’s important.

Grow your beard and grow stronger

Your beard affects how you see yourself. If seeing your beard in the mirror brings a smile to your face and makes you feel happy, that is like a magical source of strength and energy. If you believe that your beard greatly enhances your appearance, it fortifies your confidence and makes you feel better about yourself. If your beard makes you feel better about yourself, you have more power to do better in all your endeavors. And that’s important.

Your beard is a one-of-a-kind gift

Your beard is unique in the world. Your beard is yours alone. It adds to your uniqueness. Recognizing how unique you are as a bearded man is important. There are things that only you can contribute to others and to the world. Your beard enhances that.

Your beard is an important part of you. You can deny your beard by keeping it shaved off. Or you can more naturally and fully express yourself by growing your beard. Your beard can be an important part of expressing your true identity. If you were blessed with the ability to grow a beard, think about that. It’s there for a reason. Don’t deny your beard. Don’t shave it. Share your important gift of beard with the world. Let it grow!

Be a beard hero

Your beard is important. Chris featured beard image 2.
Grow your beard proudly. It’s important. And you are important, too. Beard: Chris. Click on image to view larger.

Your beard is important to others, too. Without even knowing it, you may be serving as a beard role model or even a beard hero to others. For someone wanting to grow a beard for the first time, seeing you as a strong, successful, established beard grower may give them the confidence to get through the beard-growing process. For those who waver and are about to run for the razor, the sight or even just the memory of your beard may be all it takes to encourage them to stay with it and continue growing their new beard.

You and your beard surely serve as an inspiration to others. You and your beard may provide a powerful vision of a hardy, masculine, bearded future to a young boy or teen who dreams of growing a beard like yours when he grows up. Do not underestimate the importance of this!

Further, your beard may inspire relatives, friends, or strangers to grow their beards. This really happens, often without your knowledge. Your beard is also important to non-beard growers, both people you know as well as complete strangers. Your children may adore their father’s beard. Your beard may make you seem extra special to nieces and nephews and other relatives along with friends, neighbors, colleagues, and other acquaintances.

The chance sighting of you and your beard in public may bring smiles to countless strangers. Your beard’s splendor is a marvel of nature that commands the attention and admiration of many.

You can never know how much your beard has affected others.

You are important

Of course you are more than just your beard. You are important, too.

As a bearded man, you have an opportunity to help advance beard acceptance and appreciation. By being bearded, you are a living advertisement for beards. You are a beard representative to everyone you see.

Your beard is important. Chris featured beard image 4.
Your beard is important and so are you. Live strong. Live bearded and be your best authentic self. Beard: Chris. Click on image to view larger.

I encourage all bearded men to invest in themselves. Leverage your bearded confidence and strength to be your best. As more and more men grow beards, more people get to know us. The more that bearded men present themselves as strong, honorable role models, the more they erode stereotypical anti-beard bias. This helps to elevate the general perception of bearded men, which leads to greater acceptance of beards and greater appreciation. While beards on men are more common nowadays and are far more accepted than they have been in ages, anti-beard bias still exists. The more beards are accepted and appreciated, the more freedom all men will have to grow their beards as they see fit.

By being your best as a bearded man, you help yourself. You also help your family, friends, and others. Your beard is important and so are you. Never forget that. Live bearded always and prosper.

Share your gift of beard.

Being able to grow a beard is a gift, a blessing. Recognize and embrace the gift of beard. It’s a gift that brings many benefits to you and to others. Don’t disregard or discard the gift of beard by keeping it shaved off. Grow your beard and share the gift of beard with the world.

Share your gift of beard. Beard: Sean. Featured beard image 2.
Sharing his gift of beard: Sean. Click on image to view larger.

Got beard? Grow your beard!

Not all men are blessed with the ability to grow a beard. If your facial hair follicles are pumping out genuine beard hair, nature has you already growing a beard. Listen to nature’s message and stop shaving your beard growth off. Your beard is unstoppable awesomeness. Why fight nature? Let your beard grow and flourish. Your beard is a blessing to share for all to see. Your beard regularly will be admired and appreciated by others whether you know it or not.

Share your gift of beard. Beard: Sean. Featured beard image 3.
Sharing his gift of beard: Sean. Click on image to view larger.

Be more authentic. Grow your beard.

People appreciate authenticity. Your bare, shaved face is not your authentic look. It’s a contrived appearance achieved only through the drudgery of regular shaving. Further, you’re not hiding your “real face” by growing your beard. You are revealing your true face by growing your beard. Without your beard, your face is missing an important part of you.

Embrace authenticity. It’s a great asset. Show off your authentic and true face by growing your beard.

Share your gift of beard. Beard: Sean. Featured beard image 4.
Sharing his gift of beard: Sean. Click on image to view larger.

Embrace your uniqueness. Grow your beard.

Every beard is a unique creation in nature. No two beards are exactly alike, not even among identical twins (but those can be close!).

Your gift of beard is uniquely yours. Don’t prevent its rightful presence in the world. It’s a key feature of your own uniqueness. There is a reason why beards have long been associated with rugged individualists.

Share your gift of beard. Beard: Sean. Featured beard image 5.
Sharing his gift of beard: Sean. Click on image to view larger.

Boost self-knowledge, personal growth, and confidence. Grow your beard.

Growing your beard often turns out to be a journey of self-discovery and learning. Growing your beard takes discipline and often requires courage and dedication. This process builds confidence along with strength of character. Your beard can make you feel better about yourself, which also gives you a boost.

You will see yourself in new ways, not just in physical appearance but also in attitude and outlook. All of these changes can help transform you into a better, stronger person. Change and improve your life. Grow and share your gift of beard.

Share your gift of beard. Beard: Sean. Featured beard image 6.
Sharing his gift of beard: Sean. Click on image to view larger.

Inspire others. Grow your beard.

Sharing your gift of beard simply by making your beard visible to the world can inspire others. Your beard may inspire awe in children who have never seen a beard before and view it as a thing of mystery and wonder. Your beard may inspire a young boy or teen to dream of one day having the power to grow a beard like yours. Those who are unable to grow beards may admire your beard and appreciate that you have grown your beard for all to see.

Your gift of beard likely will serve as a call to adventure for potential new beard growers. They may see your beard and be so impressed that they are inspired to grow their own beards to also share with the world. You never know how many lives your beard may change!

Share your gift of beard. Beard: Sean. Featured beard image 7.
Sharing his gift of beard: Sean. Click on image to view larger.

Make the world a better place for beards. Grow your beard.

Sharing your gift of beard with the world makes the world a more beard-friendly place, which is a friendlier place for all. Don’t deny nature. Grow your beard for all to see!

Your beard is unstoppable awesomeness.

You can’t stop your beard. Let it grow. Let it flow.

You can shave it. But you can’t stop it. It grows and grows and grows. Why keep cutting it off? Don’t deny your beard. Let it grow and flow. Your beard is awesomeness that’s too powerful to keep inside. Let it out for the world to see.

Look at the photo above, at the top of this article. It’s clear that the beard is a majestic wonder of nature. The beard is a force of nature. Unstoppable! Stop shaving!

Your beard is unstoppable awesomeness. Featured beard image 002.
Why shave when you can grow your beard? Don’t deny your beard’s awesomeness. Beard: Mack. Click on image to view larger.

There’s nothing like having a beard.

Your beard is unstoppable awesomeness. Featured beard image 003.
Beard: too awesome. Beard: Mack. Click on image to view larger.

Having a beard is like displaying the grandeur of Niagara Falls on your face. It’s just too awesome.

Let your beard grow and flow. Let it cascade in glorious splendor from your face. You have greatness in you. Show it off. Enjoy your bearded awesomeness!

Get inspired to grow your beard!

The power of beard inspiration

Have you wanted to grow your beard but just can’t get started? Or have you started growing your beard one or more times and haven’t been able to stay with it? Or have you never even thought of growing your beard? You probably could use some beard-growing inspiration!

Getting inspired to grow your beard may be the key to strengthening your motivation to start growing. Inspiration also strengthens your dedication to staying with it all the way to beard-growing success. Beard-growing inspiration can be a major power source to get you from being beardless to being bearded.

Already bearded but are hesitant about growing bigger or bolder? You could use some beard-growing inspiration, too.

Here are some easy steps to take you down the road to success:

  1. Get inspired to grow your beard.
  2. Start growing. Follow our beard-growing guide.
  3. Refer to your inspiration whenever you need to stay motivated and continue growing.
  4. Commit to growing for a long enough time to give your new beard growth a proper chance: six weeks or more.
  5. Enjoy your beard-growing success!

Keep reading to learn about multiple sources for inspiration to get you growing your beard or growing your existing beard to a new level.

Sources of beard inspiration

Look at beard examples

Seeing the beards that others have grown can be a great source of beard-growing inspiration. The variety of beards out there is endless. Each one is unique and many may inspire you to see what you can grow.

Where to look to see beard examples?

  • For inspirational beard photos and the encouraging stories behind them, see our featured beards and beard success stories. We also have thousands of beard photos available for viewing in our beard galleries.
  • There are plenty of other online sources for inspirational beard photos. The biggest is probably Instagram.
  • You can also view beards in real life in your environment. Pay attention whenever you may see random bearded men on the street or at work. You can even take a break some time at a good people-watching spot and watch for any bearded passersby. Every beard you see is a potential source of inspiration.

Consider beard role models

A beard role model can be a tremendous source of inspiration. He can also be a big help to keep you growing whenever you feel unsure about continuing your new beard-growing adventure.

A beard role model can be anyone you are aware of who has a beard that you admire. The beard role model does not have to be someone you personally know. He could be a friend, relative, or co-worker. Or he could just be someone you don’t know but happen to see occasionally during your regular routine. A beard role model could also be a public figure seen on television or other media. Someone you follow on Instagram or other social media could also serve as a beard role model.

The value of beard role models is that they are a persistent source of beard-growing inspiration. Whenever you think about giving up, think about your beard role model. Remind yourself that the beard role model is staying bearded and you can, too. With your beard role model in mind, refresh your inspiration and keep growing!

Seek guidance and encouragement from a successful beard grower

If someone you know has a beard that you admire, consider asking him for guidance and encouragement. Most bearded guys are happy to be of assistance to a new beard-grower’s effort to grow his beard. Bearded guys are usually happy as well to give advice and encouragement to an existing beard grower who wants to take his beard to a new level.

Just having a beard adviser can do wonders to bolster your motivation and commitment. Their advice or even just a nudge of encouragement may be all you need to stay on track toward your beard-growing success.

If you don’t know anyone bearded who could give you advice and encouragement, you could ask a non-bearded friend or relative to be your beard “sponsor”. They could provide you with ongoing encouragement all along the way on your new beard-growing journey.

Spend time thinking about and visualizing yourself as bearded

Your thoughts and feelings can be an internal source of great beard-growing inspiration. Spend some quiet time alone for thinking and meditation.

Also, get out and go for a walk, or go for a hike, bicycle ride, or other outdoor activity to get fresh air and a fresh perspective, an opportunity to generate fresh ideas. This could include fresh ideas about growing your beard. When you’re out in nature, remember that your beard is a natural part of you. Why deny it? Embrace your beard and choose to grow it.

While spending time on thoughts and meditation, visualize yourself as already being bearded and enjoying that new identity. Visualize this so strongly that you feel the excitement of already living as a bearded man.

Picture yourself as a confident, bearded man whose friends and associates admire him for his independence as a beard grower. Also imagine yourself performing your regular activities as a bearded man. View yourself as a successful, confident, beard grower who sets a great example for others to follow.

Inspired beard growing

What’s next? Get inspired to grow your beard and start growing. Don’t wait. Don’t hesitate. Don’t be shy. Grow your beard with great enthusiasm and confidence. Congratulations on your new beard!

All About BEARDS merchandise is coming soon! Update: Now here!

Official All About BEARDS merchandise finally will become available soon. Stay tuned for the official launch of our All About BEARDS Shop.

UPDATE: Check out our starter set of plain logo merchandise NOW! Go to our preview shop.

We are creating All About BEARDS official merchandise featuring high-quality, original designs that promote:

  • beard appreciation
  • beard acceptance
  • beard growing
  • beard-positive, pro-beard messages

…you know, all the important stuff!

Any and all beard growers and beard fans will be delighted to show off their support for beards by wearing or using All About BEARDS official merchandise.

All About BEARDS official merchandise preview image 002
Yes, it’s real: All About BEARDS official merchandise will soon be here!

Watch for the official launch announcement coming soon!

Check out our starter set of items now:

Clicking or tapping on any item above will take you to our store on where you can complete your purchase as well shop for additional items.

Make your beard plans for 2024.

Celebrate beards more than ever before!

Make plans now to ensure that 2024 is a great year for beards no matter what else is going on. Your beard plans should be for your own beard as well as for all other beards!

Fortify your beard enthusiasm. Your beard enthusiasm can be contagious. Be aware that this should cause more beards to be grown and appreciated everywhere you go.

Can’t grow a beard yourself, but are a beard fan? Increase your beard enthusiasm level as well. You can be a great resource for encouraging potential beard growers to make the decision to grow.

Spread the joy of beards.

Beards are a gift. Not every man is blessed with the gift of being able to grow a beard. Those who can grow a beard, should.

Beards are for everyone, whether they can grow a beard or not. Beards naturally attract visual attention. Many people appreciate and enjoy seeing the endless variety of beards in the world whether they themselves are beard growers or not. People also enjoy witnessing the transformation of family, friends, and others when they observe them growing new beards. Let the world see your true, bearded face.

As your beard is a gift, don’t take it for granted. Appreciate it. Your beard should be a source of joy to yourself and to others. Enjoy the gift of being bearded. Don’t deny anyone the pleasure of seeing the beard that is uniquely yours!

Spread the joy of beards further by encouraging others to grow their beards and appreciate their beards as the gifts that they are. And encourage these new beard growers to encourage more and more men to keep this beard chain reaction going.

Keep your beard enthusiasm level high at all times:

  • Be eager to tell others about your beard, the story behind it, and more. Many will be curious about your beard but hesitant to ask about it.
  • Always be ready to encourage potential beard growers to make the decision to grow. You could even offer to be an informal “beard coach” to help them along the way and to stick with it.
  • Don’t overlook former beard growers who have left the beard behind for whatever reason. Offer encouragement to them to return to the beard. Maybe they gave up for a reason that you could help them overcome.
  • Freely compliment other beard growers whenever you have a chance. They appreciate the positive reinforcement. This can go a long way toward strengthening their resolve to remain bearded. Giving compliments is free. Be generous!

Improve or expand your own beard experience.

Make plans to up your beard game or try something new with your beard in 2024. You’ll always benefit from the new experience. Even if a change doesn’t turn out to your liking, at least it will have been a lesson learned!

Here are some ideas for changing up your beard for the better:

  • Strengthen your beard grooming skills: Maybe try out a new beard oil or beard balm. Get a new beard trimmer or work with your barber to take your beard grooming to a new level.
  • Change your beard style: If there’s a beard style that you’ve always wanted to try but have never done it, give it a go! If you don’t like how it turns out, you can always revert to your previous beard style. Check out our beard style guide for ideas.
  • Expand your beard: Switch to a full beard if you can. Let your existing beard grow out more. Let your full beard grow out natural. Consider even going for a “yeard”, a “year beard”, which means letting your beard grow with minimal or no trimming for a full twelve months.

There are lots of ways to make 2024 a great year for beards. Try some of the ideas presented here. Or come up with your own ideas. Let me know what you do!

P.S. beard recognition:

The splendid beard used to illustrate this post is produced by our wonderful friend Nathan Maingard. The photos are from a photo shoot that we did during one of his visits to the USA. Be sure to see:

All About BEARDS For Twenty-eight Years

An important date in beard history!

On January 17, 1996, from San José, California’s Blossom Valley, the All About BEARDS site made its debut on the worldwide web. All About BEARDS was the first website exclusively devoted to all aspects of beards. Visitors to the new site were greeted with “Welcome to the home of excellent beards!” The site was founded on principles of promoting excellence in all things beard related. Ever since that January day in 1996, All About BEARDS has been relentlessly unapologetic in its steadfast promotion of beards and beard acceptance.

All About BEARDS and

This website started out with the name All About BEARDS, which has remained the site’s official name since January 17, 1996. All About BEARDS was first hosted on AOL (America Online) member web space. The original URL for All About BEARDS was, which is no longer active.

All About BEARDS acquired the domain in 2004. The domain was put up for auction on eBay. Once the ownership of the domain was transferred to All About BEARDS, a teaser was put up on in advance of the official debut of All About BEARDS at its new permanent home.

Three days after All About BEARDS’ ninth anniversary, the site made its official move to on January 20, 2005. Ever since then, the site has been known as both All About BEARDS and

After All About BEARDS’ move to, the original site on remained online as a legacy site, with no new updates. On October 31, 2008, AOL shut down, taking down the legacy version of All About BEARDS with it.

What All About BEARDS is all about

BEARDS! All About BEARDS will always be dedicated to all aspects of beards. The site’s main focus continues to emphasize:

  • Promoting beards: Being a positive voice that remains steadfast in supporting beards in every way possible.
  • Increasing beard acceptance: Encouraging others to view beards positively, including reevaluating any preconceived negativity they may feel against beards.
  • Educating about beards: Providing solid information about beards as a service to all interested in growing a beard or for anyone with simply an interest in the topic of beards. Key beard information provided includes proven advice on successful beard growing, grooming, and maintenance.
  • Providing beard inspiration: It’s important to All About BEARDS that the site inspires men all around the world to grow their beards. The site serves up inspiration via photos, videos, individual beard stories, informational articles, and more. The more bearded men we have in the world, the greater the acceptance of beards becomes.

One of the website’s most important undertakings is the dedication to pursuing high-quality documentary beard photography. All About BEARDS is pleased to present our original beard photography throughout the site. Examples include all of the photos you see in this post.

Thanks for growing with All About BEARDS.

It has been a privilege and an honor to hear from men from every continent who have grown their beards. I’ve heard from beard-growing medical doctors, attorneys, chefs, welders, carpenters, artists, musicians, real estate agents, insurance agents, railroad workers, athletes, students of all ages, law enforcement officers, retired military veterans, construction workers, and many, many, more — from all walks of life and from every profession imaginable.

I can’t thank you enough for your kind feedback and friendship over the years.

All About BEARDS. Now let’s all keep on growing!