Moey: today's beard, 2016/12/15

Moey: today’s beard, 2016/12/15

Name: Moey.
Occupation: Student.

About Moey’s beard:
Why did I grow my beard? I grow my beard to express my type of fashion.

What do I think about my beard? I think it’s a great beard.

How do I feel about my beard? Unique.

Moey has an amazing beard! And so does his twin brother.

Click on any image below to view a larger version in Moey’s gallery.
UPDATE 2017/06/04: Added three more photos to the gallery below.

One thought on “Moey: today’s beard, 2016/12/15”

  1. One beard like this is amazing, but to think it has a twin as well is mind blowing!

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