As November begins, it’s that time of year to remind men to participate in No-Shave November. This movement brings the importance of men’s health to the forefront as men are encouraged to grow out their facial hair in support of men struggling with cancer.
No-Shave November serves as a platform for men to drop their razors and let their hair grow. The movement aims to trigger conversations and raise cancer awareness. Does it sound like a movement you can get behind? Join No-Shave November to officially be a part of it and raise money for men’s health charities. However, you can participate in a number of ways! Read on for your definitive guide on all things you need to make the most of this hairy month!
Let Your Beard and Hair Go and Grow
Let it go and grow. Seriously. Close your bathroom drawer, leave it that way for the month, even toss out those razor blades! (Why go back to shaving after November?!) No-Shave November is meant to be a month in which you fully embrace hair growth for a cause. Nearly 65% of cancer patients lose hair while undergoing chemotherapy treatment. Your longer hair and budding facial hair is a sign that you stand with those men struggling with cancer-related hair loss. However, never fear, it’s okay to trim your hair or tame your new beard if you have to for your job. Maybe see how far you can push the envelope.

You may be wondering how you can participate if you’re a man who struggles with natural hair loss, thinning, or balding. No need to fear! Applying a topical hair loss treatment can help you grow back head hair over time and give you a stronger head of hair. While the hair on your head grows back, don’t forget to also focus on growing your beard by following our guide on how to do it right! Even in the early stages of growth, using a beard oil will help maintain hygiene, soothe your skin, and give your beard a lush look along with a fresh scent.
Start a Conversation
A major part of No-Shave November is being an advocate for the cause. Be sure to know your stuff and read up on statistics surrounding men’s cancer. Being able to participate by growing out your hair is a great start. But when people ask you why and you’re able to share some valuable stats, your role becomes that much bigger.

You may wonder why there aren’t ongoing conversations already on the topic of men’s health. A major reason for this is that men traditionally talk less about their health than women. By growing out your hair, you naturally make people curious as to what you’re doing. A primary goal of No-Shave November is not only to raise money for treatment, but also to get people talking on the topic.
Finally, one of the biggest impacts you can make is to donate. Get a team of men together to participate in the month-long journey. Donate at least the amount of money you would normally spend in November on shaving products or trips to the barbershop. The funds you raise go directly to cancer research and to help educate men as they navigate their personal battles. No-Shave November benefits a number of foundations that specialize in men’s cancer issues.

As the month comes to a close, you may consider shaving your new beard or longer hairdo. Well, don’t consider shaving the beard! But whether you decide to cut back on your new quantity of hair or let it continue to grow, you’ve made an impact either way! Despite November coming to an end, everything you’ve worked to promote and advocate for does not. Men’s health and cancer-related health issues are a year-round cause you should continue supporting. Keep up on health statistics, lend an ear to friends who want to talk and visit a healthcare professional for screenings.
Now start growing. It’s No-Shave November!