What if you are still shaving this late into No-Shave November? All right then: Gentlemen, start your beards.
It’s not too late! You can still start growing. Sure, any time is a good time to start growing your beard. But No-Shave November is a great time to start a new beard. If you are a hesitant potential beard grower, No-Shave November gives you some cover along with justification and support for growing a new beard.
Even this late into No-Shave November you can still explain that you’re growing your beard to support the cause of men’s health, especially the fight against prostate cancer and suicide. To learn more about No-Shave November’s focus on men’s health issues, see No-Shave November: More Than An Opportunity To Grow Your Beard.
First-time beard growers during No-Shave November benefit from the strength in numbers provided by all the other new beard growers. New beard growers see that they are not alone in their beard-growing adventure. You feel less isolated when you see others growing new beards at the same time. You feel the strength that comes from growing as part of a group. This boosts new beard growers’ confidence and helps you stay the course.

All you new beard growers can become permanent beard growers. And you should! You will add to the ranks of established beard growers, increasing our strength in numbers. The more bearded men there are, the more common beards are. As beards become more common, people become more accustomed to seeing beards and being around them. With the increasing familiarity of beards, beards naturally become more accepted. As acceptance of beards grows, more men feel empowered to grow their beards. Remember, strength in numbers. Join us.
You don’t need No-Shave November as an excuse for starting to grow your beard. You should start growing your beard whenever you like. However, if you could use a boost of courage to get growing, No-Shave November is one of the best times to start a new beard. Go to our expert guide to growing your beard and start growing today! Then, be sure to keep growing through December and into the next year. Consider becoming a permanent beard grower. That would be GREAT.
Being bearded foe over 25 years, I can recommend the state of beardedness! All I can say is – go for it…
Yes, Barry! Yes!