My Dad Has a Beard is a new children’s book that’s great for father/son bonding over dad’s beard. The book tells a cute story about how cool it is to have a dad with a beard. While the book is perfect for young boys, daddy’s little girls will probably enjoy the book, too. At twenty-two pages, the story is fun and easy to read. The illustrations are perfect for the story. Kids will love the whimsical drawings in bright, vivid colors.

Not surprisingly, author Kellen Roggenbuck is a beard enthusiast. He grew his first beard as soon as he could, which was at age nineteen. Ever since then, he has sported one form of beard or another except for one time. That was for his honeymoon, to allow his wife one opportunity to see him beardless. Neither of them liked the beardless Kellen. So the beard came back to stay.
While his wife was an expectant mother, Kellen grew a “yeard” — letting the beard grow essentially untrimmed for a full year. In recent years, Kellen’s been keeping a longer beard. So Kellen’s son has only known his dad as having a big beard.
About the book, Kellen explains, “The book was a sort of side project that came from funny experiences with my own son and wanting to try my hand at illustrating. I created the illustrations myself with hopes of having the book be colorful, fun, and enjoyable to read for both parents and children.”
My Dad Has a Beard is perfect for any bearded dad with a young son or a bearded granddad with a young grandson. The book might even manage to convince a beardless dad to grow his beard!
My Dad Has a Beard is available on Amazon. Click or tap on the following image to buy your copy today:
Also available on Amazon is Kellen Roggenbuck’s second beard book for children. Click or tap on the following image to buy your copy today:
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Photos appear courtesy of Kellen Roggenbuck.
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