Looking BACK. Growing FORWARD.
Awesome beards from the past can inspire present and future awesome beards. All About BEARDS is proud to announce the launch of our RETRO Beards feature! We will take an in-depth look back at all sorts of magnificent beards from the past with an emphasis on beards from the nineteenth century and the early twentieth century.
The early days of widespread photography were in the nineteenth century, a century which could be considered the glory days of epic beard growing. Beards were abundant and bold. These men did not hesitate to grow massive beards and mustaches in every imaginable style, from the common classics to creative and unconventional styles.
This incredible golden age of beard growing quickly faded away after the turn of the century, especially after 1910. In our lifetimes we have not seen such prolific beard growth. But we could. And we should! Let’s do it!

RETRO Beards on All About BEARDS will present beards from the past on a regular basis to honor them and for these beards to inspire you and others to grow your beards freely without holding back. Even if you are not ready to go all out, we still want to inspire you to grow whatever beard you are comfortable with for starters!
RETRO Beards: from well-known to unknown
RETRO Beards will include well-known bearded men from the past along with not-so-well-known men as well as unidentified men, whose stories have been lost to history. We want to showcase and honor these legendary beard growers from all walks of life whether they are famous or unknown. As more of these bygone beards are added to the site, they will be gathered into a dedicated gallery of antique beards.
RETRO Beards: a preview
To get started, let’s take a quick look at a prominent beard grower from the past.
George Foster Peabody

George Foster Peabody (1852-1938) was born in Columbus, Georgia USA. Impoverished by the US Civil War, Peabody’s family relocated to Brooklyn, New York by the time George was in his early teens.
George started working in Brooklyn as a young teenager. Eventually he got involved in investment banking. Peabody became a partner in a New York investment banking firm where he was known for managing the firm’s investments in railroad construction.
George also turned his attention to philanthropic support for education. He served as a board member for multiple educational institutions and as treasurer for others. He supplied funds for new buildings and educational programs at these institutions.
Peabody was awarded honorary degrees from Harvard University, Washington and Lee University, and the University of Georgia. In honor of Peabody’s service to the University of Georgia, the university’s journalism school established the prestigious Peabody Awards in his name.
All about the BEARD
Beard type: full beard including large walrus mustache
Beard characteristics:
- the large walrus-style mustache is a prominent feature
- the beard’s cheek line is relatively high but is not at the full natural height in this photo
- neck line is left natural, which was a common practice in this era
Remarks: George F. Peabody’s full beard was a striking, trademark feature of his appearance. Photos show him with his beard at various ages all the way through to old age. His big full beard with natural neck line, walrus mustache, and high and sometimes natural cheek line was accepted as a professional appearance for a prominent New York investment banker and philanthropist.
About his beard’s cheek line, I’ve seen it higher in other photos. In the photo above, the cheek line has been lowered a bit and runs almost horizontally from the mustache to the sideburns. Other photos reveal the cheek line joining the mustache just a tad higher up and running from there along an upward angle to reach the sideburns.
How to grow your beard like George’s beard: Keep in mind that George was blessed with abundant beard growth. Not every beard will have the same look. That’s a reminder that every beard is unique, no two are alike. Knowing this, you can try growing your own version of George’s beard and see how it turns out. You may be pleasantly surprised.
The steps are pretty simple.
- let all of your facial hair grow: beard and mustache
- let both neck and cheek lines grow naturally
- allow the beard plenty of growing time to achieve the desired volume similar to George’s beard
- continue to allow the cheek line to grow naturally, or trim it down sparingly
- allow the mustache to grow to “walrus” proportions as you like
Need more beard-growing info to get started? See our guide on how to grow a beard.
The power of RETRO Beards

Why bother looking at beards from so long ago? There are many reasons.
- These beards from the past can be powerful sources of inspiration for potential new beard growers to start growing beards of their own.
- Once you see the tremendous variety of these beards from the past, you can adopt a whole new outlook on beard growing and possibilities that you wouldn’t have imagined.
- Whether you are a new or current beard grower, you may be inspired to model your beard after one of these RETRO Beards.
- Even if you’re not interested in duplicating the look of a specific retro beard, just seeing the variety of beard styles and features may spark new ideas to apply to your current beard style.
- Looking back at these RETRO Beards, is a fascinating opportunity to see what kinds of amazing beards were produced during a period when seemingly men were free to grow their beards in whatever size, shape, or style that they wanted. They grew their beards without holding back!
- Seeing these beard-growing ancestors and the beards they produced gives an opportunity to pause and contemplate what their lives may have been like in those days.
All About BEARDS invites you to stay tuned and stay with us as our parade of RETRO Beards begins.
Even with beards today enjoying much greater acceptance and prevalence, a lot of beard-growing reluctance remains. We should have a lot more beard growers! And beard growers should grow without holding back!
Let’s learn from these bearded men, beard pioneers, who grew before us. They left us a legacy of powerful beard growing. Let’s harness the power of RETRO Beards and embrace the freedom to grow our beards however we like! Look BACK. Grow FORWARD!
Post header photo credits: Background image: Canyonlands National Park, Utah by All About BEARDS. RETRO Beards portraits: All About BEARDS collection.