Get inspired to grow your beard!

The power of beard inspiration

Have you wanted to grow your beard but just can’t get started? Or have you started growing your beard one or more times and haven’t been able to stay with it? Or have you never even thought of growing your beard? You probably could use some beard-growing inspiration!

Getting inspired to grow your beard may be the key to strengthening your motivation to start growing. Inspiration also strengthens your dedication to staying with it all the way to beard-growing success. Beard-growing inspiration can be a major power source to get you from being beardless to being bearded.

Already bearded but are hesitant about growing bigger or bolder? You could use some beard-growing inspiration, too.

Here are some easy steps to take you down the road to success:

  1. Get inspired to grow your beard.
  2. Start growing. Follow our beard-growing guide.
  3. Refer to your inspiration whenever you need to stay motivated and continue growing.
  4. Commit to growing for a long enough time to give your new beard growth a proper chance: six weeks or more.
  5. Enjoy your beard-growing success!

Keep reading to learn about multiple sources for inspiration to get you growing your beard or growing your existing beard to a new level.

Sources of beard inspiration

Look at beard examples

Seeing the beards that others have grown can be a great source of beard-growing inspiration. The variety of beards out there is endless. Each one is unique and many may inspire you to see what you can grow.

Where to look to see beard examples?

  • For inspirational beard photos and the encouraging stories behind them, see our featured beards and beard success stories. We also have thousands of beard photos available for viewing in our beard galleries.
  • There are plenty of other online sources for inspirational beard photos. The biggest is probably Instagram.
  • You can also view beards in real life in your environment. Pay attention whenever you may see random bearded men on the street or at work. You can even take a break some time at a good people-watching spot and watch for any bearded passersby. Every beard you see is a potential source of inspiration.

Consider beard role models

A beard role model can be a tremendous source of inspiration. He can also be a big help to keep you growing whenever you feel unsure about continuing your new beard-growing adventure.

A beard role model can be anyone you are aware of who has a beard that you admire. The beard role model does not have to be someone you personally know. He could be a friend, relative, or co-worker. Or he could just be someone you don’t know but happen to see occasionally during your regular routine. A beard role model could also be a public figure seen on television or other media. Someone you follow on Instagram or other social media could also serve as a beard role model.

The value of beard role models is that they are a persistent source of beard-growing inspiration. Whenever you think about giving up, think about your beard role model. Remind yourself that the beard role model is staying bearded and you can, too. With your beard role model in mind, refresh your inspiration and keep growing!

Seek guidance and encouragement from a successful beard grower

If someone you know has a beard that you admire, consider asking him for guidance and encouragement. Most bearded guys are happy to be of assistance to a new beard-grower’s effort to grow his beard. Bearded guys are usually happy as well to give advice and encouragement to an existing beard grower who wants to take his beard to a new level.

Just having a beard adviser can do wonders to bolster your motivation and commitment. Their advice or even just a nudge of encouragement may be all you need to stay on track toward your beard-growing success.

If you don’t know anyone bearded who could give you advice and encouragement, you could ask a non-bearded friend or relative to be your beard “sponsor”. They could provide you with ongoing encouragement all along the way on your new beard-growing journey.

Spend time thinking about and visualizing yourself as bearded

Your thoughts and feelings can be an internal source of great beard-growing inspiration. Spend some quiet time alone for thinking and meditation.

Also, get out and go for a walk, or go for a hike, bicycle ride, or other outdoor activity to get fresh air and a fresh perspective, an opportunity to generate fresh ideas. This could include fresh ideas about growing your beard. When you’re out in nature, remember that your beard is a natural part of you. Why deny it? Embrace your beard and choose to grow it.

While spending time on thoughts and meditation, visualize yourself as already being bearded and enjoying that new identity. Visualize this so strongly that you feel the excitement of already living as a bearded man.

Picture yourself as a confident, bearded man whose friends and associates admire him for his independence as a beard grower. Also imagine yourself performing your regular activities as a bearded man. View yourself as a successful, confident, beard grower who sets a great example for others to follow.

Inspired beard growing

What’s next? Get inspired to grow your beard and start growing. Don’t wait. Don’t hesitate. Don’t be shy. Grow your beard with great enthusiasm and confidence. Congratulations on your new beard!

All About BEARDS merchandise is coming soon! Update: Now here!

Official All About BEARDS merchandise finally will become available soon. Stay tuned for the official launch of our All About BEARDS Shop.

UPDATE: Check out our starter set of plain logo merchandise NOW! Go to our preview shop.

We are creating All About BEARDS official merchandise featuring high-quality, original designs that promote:

  • beard appreciation
  • beard acceptance
  • beard growing
  • beard-positive, pro-beard messages

…you know, all the important stuff!

Any and all beard growers and beard fans will be delighted to show off their support for beards by wearing or using All About BEARDS official merchandise.

All About BEARDS official merchandise preview image 002
Yes, it’s real: All About BEARDS official merchandise will soon be here!

Watch for the official launch announcement coming soon!

Check out our starter set of items now:

Clicking or tapping on any item above will take you to our store on where you can complete your purchase as well shop for additional items.

Make your beard plans for 2024.

Celebrate beards more than ever before!

Make plans now to ensure that 2024 is a great year for beards no matter what else is going on. Your beard plans should be for your own beard as well as for all other beards!

Fortify your beard enthusiasm. Your beard enthusiasm can be contagious. Be aware that this should cause more beards to be grown and appreciated everywhere you go.

Can’t grow a beard yourself, but are a beard fan? Increase your beard enthusiasm level as well. You can be a great resource for encouraging potential beard growers to make the decision to grow.

Spread the joy of beards.

Beards are a gift. Not every man is blessed with the gift of being able to grow a beard. Those who can grow a beard, should.

Beards are for everyone, whether they can grow a beard or not. Beards naturally attract visual attention. Many people appreciate and enjoy seeing the endless variety of beards in the world whether they themselves are beard growers or not. People also enjoy witnessing the transformation of family, friends, and others when they observe them growing new beards. Let the world see your true, bearded face.

As your beard is a gift, don’t take it for granted. Appreciate it. Your beard should be a source of joy to yourself and to others. Enjoy the gift of being bearded. Don’t deny anyone the pleasure of seeing the beard that is uniquely yours!

Spread the joy of beards further by encouraging others to grow their beards and appreciate their beards as the gifts that they are. And encourage these new beard growers to encourage more and more men to keep this beard chain reaction going.

Keep your beard enthusiasm level high at all times:

  • Be eager to tell others about your beard, the story behind it, and more. Many will be curious about your beard but hesitant to ask about it.
  • Always be ready to encourage potential beard growers to make the decision to grow. You could even offer to be an informal “beard coach” to help them along the way and to stick with it.
  • Don’t overlook former beard growers who have left the beard behind for whatever reason. Offer encouragement to them to return to the beard. Maybe they gave up for a reason that you could help them overcome.
  • Freely compliment other beard growers whenever you have a chance. They appreciate the positive reinforcement. This can go a long way toward strengthening their resolve to remain bearded. Giving compliments is free. Be generous!

Improve or expand your own beard experience.

Make plans to up your beard game or try something new with your beard in 2024. You’ll always benefit from the new experience. Even if a change doesn’t turn out to your liking, at least it will have been a lesson learned!

Here are some ideas for changing up your beard for the better:

  • Strengthen your beard grooming skills: Maybe try out a new beard oil or beard balm. Get a new beard trimmer or work with your barber to take your beard grooming to a new level.
  • Change your beard style: If there’s a beard style that you’ve always wanted to try but have never done it, give it a go! If you don’t like how it turns out, you can always revert to your previous beard style. Check out our beard style guide for ideas.
  • Expand your beard: Switch to a full beard if you can. Let your existing beard grow out more. Let your full beard grow out natural. Consider even going for a “yeard”, a “year beard”, which means letting your beard grow with minimal or no trimming for a full twelve months.

There are lots of ways to make 2024 a great year for beards. Try some of the ideas presented here. Or come up with your own ideas. Let me know what you do!

P.S. beard recognition:

The splendid beard used to illustrate this post is produced by our wonderful friend Nathan Maingard. The photos are from a photo shoot that we did during one of his visits to the USA. Be sure to see:

All About BEARDS For Twenty-eight Years

An important date in beard history!

On January 17, 1996, from San José, California’s Blossom Valley, the All About BEARDS site made its debut on the worldwide web. All About BEARDS was the first website exclusively devoted to all aspects of beards. Visitors to the new site were greeted with “Welcome to the home of excellent beards!” The site was founded on principles of promoting excellence in all things beard related. Ever since that January day in 1996, All About BEARDS has been relentlessly unapologetic in its steadfast promotion of beards and beard acceptance.

All About BEARDS and

This website started out with the name All About BEARDS, which has remained the site’s official name since January 17, 1996. All About BEARDS was first hosted on AOL (America Online) member web space. The original URL for All About BEARDS was, which is no longer active.

All About BEARDS acquired the domain in 2004. The domain was put up for auction on eBay. Once the ownership of the domain was transferred to All About BEARDS, a teaser was put up on in advance of the official debut of All About BEARDS at its new permanent home.

Three days after All About BEARDS’ ninth anniversary, the site made its official move to on January 20, 2005. Ever since then, the site has been known as both All About BEARDS and

After All About BEARDS’ move to, the original site on remained online as a legacy site, with no new updates. On October 31, 2008, AOL shut down, taking down the legacy version of All About BEARDS with it.

What All About BEARDS is all about

BEARDS! All About BEARDS will always be dedicated to all aspects of beards. The site’s main focus continues to emphasize:

  • Promoting beards: Being a positive voice that remains steadfast in supporting beards in every way possible.
  • Increasing beard acceptance: Encouraging others to view beards positively, including reevaluating any preconceived negativity they may feel against beards.
  • Educating about beards: Providing solid information about beards as a service to all interested in growing a beard or for anyone with simply an interest in the topic of beards. Key beard information provided includes proven advice on successful beard growing, grooming, and maintenance.
  • Providing beard inspiration: It’s important to All About BEARDS that the site inspires men all around the world to grow their beards. The site serves up inspiration via photos, videos, individual beard stories, informational articles, and more. The more bearded men we have in the world, the greater the acceptance of beards becomes.

One of the website’s most important undertakings is the dedication to pursuing high-quality documentary beard photography. All About BEARDS is pleased to present our original beard photography throughout the site. Examples include all of the photos you see in this post.

Thanks for growing with All About BEARDS.

It has been a privilege and an honor to hear from men from every continent who have grown their beards. I’ve heard from beard-growing medical doctors, attorneys, chefs, welders, carpenters, artists, musicians, real estate agents, insurance agents, railroad workers, athletes, students of all ages, law enforcement officers, retired military veterans, construction workers, and many, many, more — from all walks of life and from every profession imaginable.

I can’t thank you enough for your kind feedback and friendship over the years.

All About BEARDS. Now let’s all keep on growing!

Natural Full Beard: Your Freedom To Grow

The natural full beard should be a valid beard-growing option.

There is nothing wrong with growing a natural full beard. It should be a valid beard-growing choice for any man. However, too many men are too intimidated to grow their natural full beards. There is a lot of societal pressure against the natural full beard, both real and imagined. Plenty of men self-censor and don’t even consider allowing themselves to grow a natural full beard. But it’s worse than that. Far too many are reluctant to even grow a minimal beard, fearing that growing beyond a minimal beard would be “too much”. Some won’t even grow beyond a stubble-length beard.

Natural full beards are seldom seen these days because the bias against them is pretty strong. And because the natural full beard is so uncommon, it attracts a lot of attention. Much of that attention consists of outdated negative stereotyped comments. Just the fear of these negative stereotypes is enough to scare men into avoiding the thought of growing a natural full beard as well as limiting the amount of beard growth they allow themselves.

What is a natural full beard and why is it important for more men to grow one?

The natural full beard is simply a full beard with the cheek lines and neck lines left naturally defined. Some may not prefer this look and that is fine. But those who like the look should be free to grow their beards this way. When more men grow natural full beards, they are not seen so much as rarities and gain more public acceptance. If natural full beards are more accepted, acceptance of all other beard styles improves. All men should feel free to grow the style of beard that they desire.

Much of the time, natural full beards are reflexively and automatically dismissed as “too much”. But they are only “too much” because people are not used to seeing them. Many people immediately want to reject them. Similarly, people are quick to instantly proclaim that certain beards are “too long”. Really? How is the standard determined for a beard being too long? Is an eighth of an inch too long? How about a quarter of an inch? Two inches? Three? Of course, the definition of what an acceptable beard length should be is simply arbitrary and subjective. Beard length should be determined by the grower’s preference.

Judgments on beard cheek lines and neck lines are similarly based on arbitrary and subjective whims, reinforced by negative stereotypes. Who decides when a cheek line is too high and a neck line is too low? It’s not a question of neatness or good grooming because natural cheek and neck lines can be cleanly and neatly maintained, just like the rest of the beard.

Don’t be shy about growing your natural full beard.

As long as natural full beard growers are rarely seen, these uncommon brave growers are targets for undeserved negative comments and negative stereotypical remarks. Increasing the number of natural full beards in the world will help improve the acceptance of natural full beards as well as all other types of beards. Consider growing your natural full beard!

Tips on natural full beard design.

Natural full beards are easy to maintain. However, a strictly natural full beard may not produce entirely desired results at first and may need some slight adjustments to achieve your best look. In no time you’ll having your natural full beard looking its best with a minimum of extra effort. See the following examples.

Join the natural beard cause and contribute to beard freedom for all!

Now step up and grow your full natural beard. It’s easy. Don’t wait any longer to grow your beard all natural and show it off to its fullest advantage. Happy natural beard growing!

Happy 2024! More beard-growing, please!

Strengthen your beard game in 2024! The start of this new year represents unlimited possibilities to boost beard growing worldwide. Together, let’s take the prevalence of beards to new levels.

Let’s get a lot more beard-growing going on: yours and that of others. Keep reading for recommendations on how we can help grow the number of beards to new highs along with the worldwide acceptance and appreciation of beards.

Grow more BEARD

Think about ways to expand your beard-growing game. Then do it and stay with it. Don’t be held back by timidity. Be strong and self-assured. Then grow! Growing more of your own beard shows others that they, too, should have the freedom to grow their beards as they see fit. This is important! It also strengthens the acceptance and appreciation of a wider variety of beard sizes and length — also important!

Here are some suggestions for your facial hair expansion possibilities. If you have a:

  • stubble beard
    Let it grow out more! Give your beard some volume.
  • mustache only
    Add on a goatee or full beard.
  • goatee with or without mustache
    Expand to a full beard. Be sure to add on the mustache if you don’t already have one.
  • full beard with the cheek line cut low
    Raise that cheek line! Let your full beard occupy more facial real estate.
  • short or moderate-length full beard
    Grow it out longer. Add some length. Raise the volume. Make your beard robust. Don’t be shy. Be brave and grow!
  • long beard
    Congratulations on giving it your all! If you can still grow more, however, please do.
  • seasonal beard
    Make that a permanent, year-round beard.

Have fun and experiment with growing more beard than you already have grown.

Grow more BEARDS

You can help grow more beards than just your own. Without even knowing it your beard may have already inspired others to grow their beards. With your active encouragement, who knows how many others you could convince to grow their beards? Then, they could go on to encourage others to grow as well.

Be a beard advocate. In conversation with potential beard growers, talk about how much you enjoy having a beard and what a great experience it is to have a beard. Encourage them to give their beards a grow. Don’t give up on them, either. If they don’t get on board and grow, bring it up in a friendly manner now and again. Eventually they may decide to grow.

If you’re unable to grow a beard yourself and are a beard fan, you can be a valuable beard advocate, too. You can tell potential beard growers that you think a beard would suit them and encourage them to grow.

Who should you encourage to grow their beards? For starters, include fathers, sons, brothers, uncles, and other relatives. Also encourage friends, acquaintances, and even men you meet on the street or in stores, restaurants, etc. In other words, encourage any potential beard grower you see whenever the circumstances are appropriate. Don’t be shy!

If you know someone who previously was bearded but abandoned the beard for some reason, ask him about it. Encourage him to give it another grow and to consider keeping it this time.

When someone you’ve encouraged follows through and grows his beard, be sure to give some praise and additional encouragement. And encourage him to become a beard advocate, too.

Spread the JOY of BEARDS

Join us in spreading the joy of beards! The beard is a great gift that can bring great joy. The beard can bring joy not only to the beard grower, but also to others. Just the sight of a great beard can capture one’s attention and bring them joy as they admire the unique beauty and unlimited variety of beards.

Growing the beard that pleases you helps to spread that joy. Again, don’t be shy. Be self-assured and grow the beard that you want the way that you want it. Don’t limit your beard based on fear of the disapproval of others. Grow your beard and enjoy.

Encouraging others to grow their beards can move them to experience the joy of being bearded. And just the sight of their beard can bring visual joy to all observers.

Have a great beard year 2024!

Happy New Beard Year 2024! All About BEARDS celebrates its twenty-eighth anniversary this month. Help us celebrate by upping your beard-growing game and by inspiring and encouraging others to grow their beards. And don’t forget our handy-dandy, tried-and-true guide on how to grow a beard!

I wish you all the best for 2024. Happy beard growing always!

November is over: Keep your beard-growing going!

Attention, all new beard growers! If you’ve been growing your new beard throughout No-Shave November, don’t even THINK about shaving as we leave November behind! There’s no reason to shave now. Keep cultivating your new beard.

Stay on track! Keep rolling. Keep your beard-growing going. You’ve made a great start on your new beard. Don’t throw it all away. Enhance it. Let it keep growing and filling out more and more. Observe how your beard develops and alters your appearance as it gains more length and bulk.

Top reasons for not shaving your new No-Shave November beard growth

  • You’ve already achieved a month’s worth of beard-growing progress.
    If you were to shave now, you’d lose all of this. You would be all the way back at the starting point if you were to realize that shaving your new beard was a mistake.
  • People are already getting used to viewing you as a bearded man.
    Show them that you truly are a bearded man, that you intend to stay that way. Let your beard stay and flourish.
  • November’s growth is a great start. But let your beard keep growing to show you its full potential.
    Give your beard a fighting chance! Let it keep growing out enough to see how your beard looks with some robust growth. You can’t be sure how it will turn out without giving it more time. The results may pleasantly surprise you!
  • Don’t allow moments of doubt and insecurity to send you rushing for the razor.
    Stay strong and confident. Don’t be shy and insecure about your new beard. Don’t let others talk you into getting rid of it. It’s your beard. It’s your asset. Make the most of it.
  • Having a new beard is a great experience and a great feeling.
    Don’t cut it short! Enjoy.

Give your new beard plenty of time

Limiting your beard’s existence to no more than the month of November does not give you enough time to get to know what the full beard experience is like. Try setting a goal of keeping your beard for a number of months. Maybe set your goal for three months at a minimum. Even better set it for at least six months.

Whatever your goal may be, commit to it. Once you’ve done that, it’s easier to resist any doubts that could lead to premature beard removal. Just remember your goal and don’t shave.

Keep your beard-growing going! Discover the joy of growing your beard.

Don’t Be a Shaver! It’s Grow-Your-Beard November 2023!

Can you grow a beard? Don’t shave!

Grow-Your-Beard November 2023. Beard image 2: Vicente.
If you have the ability to grow a beard, don’t waste it! Stop shaving and let it grow! Now’s the time. It’s Grow-Your-Beard November, aka No-Shave November. Beard: Vicente. Click on image to view larger.

Are you physically capable of growing a beard? Are you shaving it rather than growing it? Why shave it off when you can let it grow? You owe it to yourself to experience the beard-growing journey. See how it changes your appearance and the way you see yourself. And show the world what you can grow. Don’t wait any longer. Go for it. Give it a go and let your beard grow. Now is a great time to start. It’s Grow-Your-Beard November!

No-Shave November

Grow-Your-Beard November is more commonly known as No-Shave November. Here at All About BEARDS, I’m referring to it today as Grow-Your-Beard November to put more emphasis on encouraging first-time beard growers to step up and truly grow their beards. It’s more than just not shaving.

While I’m putting more focus on convincing would-be beard growers to really grow, I still want to spread the word about the importance of No-Shave November. Men are encouraged to stop shaving for the month of November to raise awareness and support for addressing men’s health issues, especially prostate cancer and suicide prevention. For all the details, see our guide to No-Shave November.

Grow-Your-Beard November 2023. Beard image 3: Vicente.
Vicente has grown a great beard. Now see what you can grow.
Click on image to view larger.

Start your beard-growing adventure today!

Don’t wait. Don’t hesitate. And for sure, don’t shave! Start growing that beard while raising awareness and supporting men’s health issues. There’s no better time to start growing a first beard, or growing a new one if you’ve grown a beard before and shaved it off for whatever reason.

How do you get started on growing a new beard? Just visit our tried-and-true guide on how to grow a beard.

Have an enjoyable and enlightening beard-growing experience!

All About BEARDS For Twenty-seven Years

Why advocate for beards? I’ve been making the case in favor of beards online since launching All About BEARDS on January 17, 1996. It might be considered an unusual cause to support. But it’s a worthy cause, an important cause. That’s because beards mean a great deal to men who grow them. Beards also mean a lot to men who are unable to grow a beard and wish with all their might that they could grow a beard.

What about the beardless and broken hearted?

Beards mean a lot more than people realize. One’s feelings about beards can run inexplicably deep. Beards are an important part of being a man. Yet, not every man is physically capable of growing a beard. It doesn’t seem to make sense. Beards are an important part of being a man, but not every man is included. Seems unfair!

A man incapable of growing a beard is no less a man than one who sprouts an abundance of hair from his face. The man who desperately yearns to be able to grow his own beard and experience this aspect of manhood for himself often suffers in silence. Pain and frustration can run deep. Many feel sadness and depression with nowhere to turn for support. They may believe that others would view their fervent desire to be able to grow a beard as frivolous or silly. So they keep it to themselves, suffering in silence.

From the start, All About BEARDS has respected and empathized with those men who physically are unable to grow a beard. I wish I had an easy solution for them. Many long for a special cream or pill that would bring beard growth to their faces. At this time, there’s nothing quite like that available. I always recommend that you consult with your doctor if you feel that you might have a medical condition that inhibits your potential beard growth. Apart from that, you might look into methods for stimulating beard growth, keeping in mind that there are no sure “cures” for the lack of beard growth. Proceed with caution.

My best advice to all is that you make the best with what you have. Your beard growth pattern is yours and yours alone. Emphasize the strengths you have and make the most of them.

Grow your beard for those who can’t

All About BEARDS for twenty-seven years; beard image: Chris
Beard superstar Chris’ fierce beard.

Those can grow their beards should. Those who cannot grow a beard will appreciate it. Does this sound stupid? There is a lot of truth to it.

If you’re blessed with good beard genes, why not grow that glorious beard for all to see and admire? In a way, not growing that great beard is something of an insult to those who would give anything to have your beard-growing ability. I’ve not come across anyone who can’t grow his own beard being against beard-capable men growing their beards. I’ve only heard them express respect and admiration for those who can grow their beards. Those bearded guys even provide inspiration for those who cannot grow beards.

Be a source of inspiration. Grow your beard for those who can’t.

All About BEARDS: still on a mission

After twenty-seven years, beards have come a long way. I’m happy to see greater acceptance of beards and a greater prevalence of beards in the world. However, much work remains to be done. All About BEARDS will always continue its mission to advocate for beards:

  • Promote acceptance of and appreciation for beards.
  • Provide solid, helpful information on how to grow and care for your beard.
  • Work to reduce anti-beard bias.
  • Encourage and inspire men to grow their beards as they like.

All About BEARDS: selected beard photo shoot memories

On this twenty-seventh anniversary I’d like to share a look back at a sample of memories from the official photo shoots. Documenting beards through photography is an important component of the site. Scroll down for a photographic trip down memory lane. Click on any image to view larger.

The first: Paulie

First All About BEARDS photo shoot: Paulie at Guadalupe River Park at the Interstate 280 and California State Route 87 interchange, San José, California.
First All About BEARDS photo shoot: Paulie at Guadalupe River Park below the Interstate 280 and California State Route 87 interchange, San José, California.


All About BEARDS photo shoot memory: Salvatore with the Golden Gate Bridge in the background. Photographed at the summit of Mount Caroline Livermore, Angel Island State Park, California.
All About BEARDS photo shoot memory: Salvatore with the Golden Gate Bridge in the background. Photographed at the summit of Mount Caroline Livermore, Angel Island State Park, California.


All About BEARDS photo shoot memory: Brian at the Embarcadero, San Francisco, California.
All About BEARDS photo shoot memory: Brian at the Embarcadero, San Francisco, California.

Michael and John

All About BEARDS photo shoot memory: Musicians and friends Michael, left, and John, right, showed up in freezing weather for joint and separate beard photo shoots along the Riverfront Heritage Trail, Kansas City, Missouri.
All About BEARDS photo shoot memory: Musicians and friends Michael, left, and John, right, showed up in freezing weather for joint and separate beard photo shoots along the Riverfront Heritage Trail, Kansas City, Missouri.


All About BEARDS photo shoot memory: From SA to SF, longtime friend and correspondent from South Africa, Nate Maingard did a photo and video shoot for the site during a visit to the USA. Mission Dolores Park, San Francisco, CA
All About BEARDS photo shoot memory: From SA to SF, longtime friend and correspondent from South Africa, Nate Maingard did a photo and video shoot for the site during a visit to the USA. Mission Dolores Park, San Francisco, CA


All About BEARDS photo shoot memory: Conner did a mid-winter beard photo shoot at Lake Fayetteville Park, Fayetteville, AR.
All About BEARDS photo shoot memory: Conner did a mid-winter beard photo shoot at Lake Fayetteville Park, Fayetteville, Arkansas.


All About BEARDS photo shoot memory: Big beard in the big state of Texas: Vicente.
All About BEARDS photo shoot memory: Big beard in the big state of Texas: Vicente.


All About BEARDS photo shoot memory: Scott at the Minnesota State Fair, Saint Paul, Minnesota.
All About BEARDS photo shoot memory: Scott at the Minnesota State Fair, Saint Paul, Minnesota.


All About BEARDS photo shoot memory: Amazing bearded barber Virgil. Tulsa Arts District, Tulsa, OK
All About BEARDS photo shoot memory: Amazing bearded barber Virgil. Tulsa Arts District, Tulsa, Oklahoma


All About BEARDS photo shoot memory: Wade met up for a great photo shoot with his fantastic beard. Boomer Lake Park, Stillwater, Oklahoma
All About BEARDS photo shoot memory: Wade did a photo shoot with his fantastic beard at Boomer Lake Park, Stillwater, Oklahoma.

It’s been twenty-seven years. Grow your beard!

I wish to thank all of the friends, fans, and site contributors that I’ve met over the years. You have been a blessing. Thank you.

Grow your beard!

Tom’s Top-notch Beard

A career-boosting, first-rate beard!

Think beards are bad for that “professional” look? Think again as you read on.

All About BEARDS proudly welcomes Tom to our featured beards section! Sometimes unlikely beard growers become the strongest beard supporters and beard role models. Tom is a great example. Learn how a serious injury sent Tom on an incredible beard journey.

Tom’s introduction in his own words:

I am a pediatrician living in Georgia with my wife and two children. I’ve had a beard since November of 2016 when I decided not to shave during my time off for Thanksgiving holiday break. Having shaved off previous beards during that itchy awkward phase around four weeks of growth, this beard was protected and nurtured by an ankle fracture I sustained shortly after I started growing it. This injury left me unable to stand for over a month. It’s nearly impossible to shave lying flat. So when I finally recovered from surgery and was able to stand, I looked in the mirror and saw a full beard that I did not know I was capable of growing. My wife and children thought I should maintain it. So I’ve been bearded ever since.

I discovered All About BEARDS while looking for information about trimming my neck and cheek lines. I must say I was inspired by the “featured beards” and “beard success stories” I read about and this served to reinforce my commitment to remaining bearded. When you have a beard you never look quite the same from day to day or week to week. I photographed my beard journey regularly as I tried to figure out my style and now I’m flattered to be asked to share these pics on the site I found so inspirational.

Tom with his family: They encouraged him to keep his new beard!
Tom with his family: They encouraged him to keep his new beard!

Scroll down to read Tom’s beard story.
Also, be sure to see Tom’s Beard Gallery.

Dr. Tom earlier in his beard journey
This is Dr. Tom at an earlier stage in his beard-growing journey.

What do you think about beards?

Guys just look better with a beard than they do without. We’ve all seen those before-and-after pics on the Internet or had friends and colleagues who have grown a beard. I can’t think of any who did not improve their looks. Having a beard is the natural state for an adult male. What I was not expecting after growing my beard was how it would change the way others perceived me in terms of my intelligence, leadership ability, and attractiveness.   There’s something primal about it. It sounds farfetched but bearded men know its true. 

Tom's Top-notch Beard, image 3: Tom before growing beard and after growing beard
This is Tom before growing his beard and after growing his beard.

Intelligence?  Leadership ability? Yes, after growing my beard many people told me I looked scholarly, like a professor.   And about that time I started advancing in the leadership ranks of my organization much more quickly.   I’ve accomplished much more in my five bearded years than the seventeen years prior.  Coincidence?   I think one’s looks do play a role in his success.  I mention this only because a lot of men seem to think having a beard may be detrimental somehow to their career. 

Has your opinion about beards changed over time?

Yes, in a sense that I did not think much about beards or having a beard until I grew my own.   We’ve all experienced the phenomenon of buying a new car and then noticing there are many cars just like our own on the road.  Prior to driving it you never noticed them.  My beard has been a positive change in my life and I feel privileged  to contribute to,  which is such an important resource and source of inspiration for others considering doing the same.

What do you think about your own beard?

I think my views have been shaped by the comments people share with me on a regular basis.  I’m happy to have a beard that is quite thick, dense, and full.   I like the fact that it grows quite fast because it looks a little different every morning when I look in the mirror.  Due to my rate of growth, I don’t think I could maintain the trendy ultra short stubble beard because I’d have to shave more than once every day.   I don’t seem to have any areas of light growth that I need hair to cover – it’s everywhere! 

How does having such a great beard make you feel?

It’s a great boost to one’s ego to receive a compliment from a perfect stranger.   That happens to me on a regular basis but it never happened before I grew a beard.  Beards seem to be the one thing guys allow themselves to compliment each other about.  

Dr. Tom: great beard in the great outdoors
Dr. Tom: great beard in the great outdoors. Click on image to view larger.

Did anyone in your family have a beard before you?

No, my father and uncles were clean shaven.  Since I’ve grown a beard, however, my younger brothers have also grown a beard.  

When did you grow your first beard?

I grew a beard briefly in college.   It was your typical late adolescent, early twenties beard -– a little less full and dense than what I have now, but appropriate for age.  I ended up caving in to the negative feedback one inevitably receives when first growing a beard.  

As mentioned above, I started growing the beard I have now during a week off at Thanksgiving in 2016.   Shortly after starting my beard growth I fractured my ankle and had two surgeries.   I was not able to stand upright for weeks after these surgeries.  Its pretty hard to shave lying down, so I was really forced, in a sense, to grow my beard out in full.  Once I was able to stand again I looked in the mirror and I had a nice, full, thick beard.

This is Tom's shorter beard earlier in his beard journey.
Here is Tom with his shorter beard earlier in his beard journey. Click on image to view larger.

Had you ever thought about growing a beard long before growing your first beard?

I remember thinking about it in elementary school.  One of my teachers was bearded and I wondered what it must feel like to have hair growing on your cheeks.  That’s about the extent of it. 

What led you to grow your current beard?

It started with the Thanksgiving week break from shaving that was unexpectedly extended. Thinking back on it, the ankle surgery recovery period meant that I didn’t have to work or be around friends and family much during those “transitional” awkward beard growth phases.   Once I was able to stand again I looked in the mirror and I had a nice, full, thick beard.   My wife told me she liked it and I haven’t shaved since then.  

Tom with his family swimming in a cave. Tom's family approves of his beard!
Here Tom and his family are enjoying a swim inside a cave. Tom’s wife and children approve of his beard!

How did the beard affect you?

I remember thinking “this is how I’m supposed to look” after growing my beard.   Your self perception or how you define yourself changes with time after growing your beard.  I now think of myself as a “bearded man” rather than man who “has a beard.”   What I mean is that this is now part of who I am, not just how I choose to groom myself at the moment.  

What happened to your first beard?

My first beard, which I grew in college, succumbed to my lack of will power.  My mother wanted me to shave and I did.   I think there are very few mothers who love their son’s first beard.   It must make them feel older or something.

Do you plan to keep your beard permanently now?

Yes, if my beard can survive COVID, it is here to stay.   As a healthcare worker I nearly had to shave my beard off for the N95 mask.  Luckily I was able to make alternative arrangements and was able to keep my beard.  

How do people react to your beard?

I’ve already discussed the comments I get from strangers, so I’m going to answer this question from the perspective of a pediatrician.   When I’m caring for an infant or toddler I can see it in their eyes when they haven’t seen a bearded man before.  They seem just a bit confused and fearful.    I can tell when their dad has a beard because they seem much more comfortable and interactive.  Their mothers are usually surprised when I say “Her daddy has a beard doesn’t he?” I don’t think I’ve been wrong about this yet.  

Dr. Tom: bearded pediatrician.
Dr. Tom: bearded pediatrician.

Do people ever tell you to trim or shave your beard?  If so, how do you respond?

Only my mother.   I tell her that she is the only one telling me to do this. But I understand because all mothers seem to have a similar view. 

Do you know if your beard has inspired others to grow their beards?

Not that anyone has told me. However, I have known a few co-workers and, as I’ve mentioned, my brothers who have grown a beard subsequent to mine. 

Do you encourage others to grow their beards?

I make a special effort to compliment adolescents and young men who are going through that transitional phase with a new beard.   It’s so important to conform at that age and they are very sensitive to both positive and negative feedback.  A random compliment could be all they need to have the willpower to grow out their beard. 

Why have you chosen the classic full beard?

My beard grows so fast and thick I think the full beard chose me.  I don’t really have the time or the skills to cut or to shape it any other way.  That being said, I think the classic full beard looks best once your beard is fully mature.  I see some other styles like the chinstrap as a means of transitioning into a full beard while your beard matures.

Dr. Tom: bulking up the classic full beard.
Dr. Tom: bulking up the classic full beard. Click on image to view larger.

Recently your full beard has been trending a bit bigger and longer.  How do you like this?  Will it continue?

Yes, but there are some limitations to how I can wear my beard because of my career.   Since my beard is hidden under a mask, for the most part, I’ve been able to “push the limits” in a sense and grow it longer.   I now like to keep the “goatee area” around my mustache and chin longer and fuller, the cheeks slightly more trimmed (or they get quite wavy), and the sideburns faded into my haircut. 

Do you shape and trim your beard yourself?  If so, how did you learn to do it right?

I really enjoy the pampering that comes with a hot towel wrap, warm shaving cream and a straight razor.  A barber shop that caters to bearded men really makes for a nice place to visit on a Saturday morning.    I have tried to trim my beard myself and it never comes out quite as nice and it is  definitely not as relaxing.   

How do you care for your beard?  What’s your beard-care routine?

I wash my beard one day and condition it the next day on an alternate basis.   I apply a beard oil daily and, when my beard is longer, will use a beard balm to keep the stray hairs down.  I like the lightly scented beard products, particularly those with a woodsy scent.

Tom's big beard is getting longer.
Tom’s big beard is getting longer here. Click on image to view larger.

What is your opinion of  Did the site affect your beard journey in any way? is the premier website for everything related to the topic of growing and maintaining a beard, encouraging beard growth, or admiring other beards.   The site reinforced my commitment to beard growth and gave me examples of beards I could make my “beard goal.”   These gentlemen can still be found on the site today.  I never would have expected to be featured on as well.  

What do you think about being featured on

I hope my feature and comments on will help to inspire or motivate others thinking about growing a beard to give it a try.  I came to this site during my first month of beard growth and found it so inspirational I’ve been coming back ever since.   Its really an honor to be recognized as worthy to be on the site.

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