Category Archives: beard care and grooming

Healthy Man, Healthy Beard: Men’s Health Month

Men’s Health Month is June. It’s true! In addition, Men’s Health Week happens during June in the United States over the seven days up to and including Father’s Day. Men’s Health Week was signed into U.S. law on May 31, 1994, designating June 12 through 19, 1994, as National Men’s Health Week. Men’s Health Week has been observed ever since while expanding internationally and growing to encompass all of June as Men’s Health Month. According to the Men’s Health Network: “Men’s Health Month (June) is an annual awareness period designed to heighten the awareness of preventable health problems (mental and physical) and encourage early detection and treatment of disease among men and boys.”

As this June comes to a close, it’s a good time to stop and and take stock of your physical and mental well-being. Strongly consider following up with your healthcare provider on any questions or concerns you may have or just to get an overdue checkup. Whether you are in the northern hemisphere heading into summer or in the southern hemisphere proceeding with winter, be sure to continue to make your health a top priority.

Whatever the season, if you’re a healthy man your beard should be healthy, too. Let’s look at a few ways to take care of yourself, including your beard and hair, no matter what kind of weather is headed your way.

Start up a hair routine

Healthy man, healthy beard: start up a hair routine to make your hair and beard look their best
Start up a hair routine to keep your hair and beard looking their best. Beard: Vicente.

Establishing a hair routine can help make hair care a familiar process that becomes a habit. You know that men need to give their hair and beards proper care and attention to look their best. Ranging from beard grooming and choosing the right beard style to finding the best hairstyle to go with your face’s shape, you have nearly unlimited options for creating your greatest masculine look. Keep your hair looking its best by using a good quality shampoo and conditioner. And maintain your beard in top condition by keeping it clean with regular washing while using an appropriate shampoo and conditioner as needed. Brushing or combing your sparkling clean beard will have it looking neat and sharp. Optionally apply some beard oil for a finishing touch. These simple steps are a great start for your hair care routine.

If you are among the many men who experience male pattern baldness, your hair routine may include using treatments to slow, halt, or even reverse the loss of hair. Called androgenic alopecia, male pattern baldness is hereditary and progresses with age. However, it can be treated with the use of hair loss products. Early intervention and consistent treatment typically offer the best opportunity for positive results.

Improve your diet

Healthy man, healthy beard: improve your diet and improve your health, hair and beard
Improve your diet and improve your overall health and that of your hair and beard, too. Beard: Richard.

If your current diet isn’t the greatest, this is a good time to look into making some improvements. Set yourself up for success with a plan to keep healthier foods on hand and leave more of the unhealthy choices back on the supermarket shelves. A healthy diet is a key component of an overall strategy to make you a healthy man with a healthy beard. Making better food choices brings a number of health benefits, including having more energy, feeling better, and even improving the quality of your hair.

You can start improving your diet by minimizing the amount of processed foods you eat. Eliminate or greatly reduce other unhealthy food choices by replacing them with healthy foods that you like. Don’t forget to include food choices that improve the health of your hair. Be sure that your diet includes plenty of fruits and vegetables. These are familiar healthy options. Improving your diet is an important part of improving your overall health. You’ll feel better and look better. And you will feel better about yourself, which can give your mental health a boost as well.

Embrace exercise

Healthy man, healthy beard: Add exercise to your daily routine to improve your overall well-being.
Add exercise to your daily routine to improve your overall health and well-being. Cycling is a great choice for exercise. Beard: Brian.

Like improving your diet, adding physical exercise to your daily routine can provide you with a lot of health benefits. Yes, you should check with your doctor before starting any new exercise program. It’s important to select an exercise program that’s appropriate for your age and current physical condition. Options include gentle activities such as yoga, cardiovascular training to get your heart pumping and blood flowing, and weight training to build strength. Walking, cycling, and swimming are great exercise choices that are easier on your joints than higher-impact activities such as running. Examples of age-appropriate options include exercise programs for middle-aged men.

Exercise can even lead to healthier hair growth. Get moving with cardiovascular exercise to keep your heart and veins in great shape. In turn, this improves your blood circulation which benefits your skin and hair.

Healthy man, healthy beard: Start up a hair routine, improve your diet, and add exercise to each day.
Healthy man, healthy beard: Start up a hair routine, improve your diet, and add exercise to each day and you’ll be on your way to being a healthy man with a healthy beard. Beard: Brian.

Now is a great time to act on Men’s Health Month’s message to pay attention to your health and take steps to improve it. Starting up a proper hair routine will get your hair and beard looking their best. Improving your diet brings great health benefits, physical and mental, and can improve the health of your hair. Making exercise a part of your everyday life provides even more health benefits and can indirectly improve the health of your hair. Take these steps and you can be well on your way to being a healthy man with a healthy beard!

Look younger while sporting a beard

Most men like to look younger. Some will even admit it. However, too many guys automatically believe that looking younger means shaving off their beards. Stop! Don’t do that! Instead, follow these steps to look younger while still sporting your prized facial hair.

Step 1: Get your rest

The first step to looking younger is making sure that you are getting a good night’s sleep, every night. Depriving your body of proper rest can lead to many health problems. One of the first negative effects of insufficient sleep is on your looks. Having bags under your eyes can make you look older. And a great cure for that is…SLEEP.

Step 2: Prep your face

The next step to looking younger is always keeping up on general maintenance. Washing your face every day and exfoliating once a week is a good place to start. It is good to rid your skin of excess oils that could lead to breakouts and scarring, which could diminish your youthful look. It’s important to know your skin type for this step! Skin types, according to the American Academy of Dermatology, are:

  1. Sensitive skin may sting or burn after product use
  2. Normal skin is clear and not sensitive
  3. Dry skin is flaky, itchy or rough
  4. Oily skin is shiny and greasy
  5. Combination skin is dry in some areas and oily in others

Each skin type presents its own need. For oily skin you should use a cleanser that cleans deep. But for dry or sensitive skin you want to use a gentle cleanser.

Step 3: Trim and shape

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Big or small: keep your beard looking sharp for a younger appearance.

After washing your face, your hair follicles are at their prime for trimming and shaping. That said, trimming with clippers or scissors generally works better when your beard and mustache are dry. When your beard is well trimmed and shaped, it’s bound to make heads turn your way. Plenty of young guys keep their beards in top form. This should remain a priority as you get older. You want to make sure that your beard looks sharp and well-groomed.

Keeping all your edges crisp and clean is key to a sharp-looking beard. The easiest way to get this look is by using the right tools. Do your research and make sure you are using the proper accessories when it comes to maintaining your facial hair. Brands like Harry’s offer many different shaving products and solutions you can use to clean up your beard’s edges and turn your trimming process into perfection. Pro Tip: Don’t forget your eyebrows. Trim your eyebrows to keep them in check as well. The neater your eyebrows and beard are, the younger you look.

Step 4: Add some beard oil

We know that as we age, our bodies change. With that said, our facial hair changes too, which can make us look older. Facial hair not only changes in color, but it can also change in texture. The older we get, the more coarse our beards may become. However, beard oil can help with this. Adding a little beard oil every day will help to moisturize and protect your beard!

Step 5: Moisturize your face

Adding a light lotion to your face can reduce the effects of the environment on your skin. Using the correct moisturizer for your skin type can make a world of difference. For example, if you normally have dry skin, use a heavier daily moisturizer. For added defense, try a face moisturizer that contains sun protection (SPF). This will help limit the effects of sun exposure. However, be sure not to add face moisturizer to the areas that already have beard oil on them.

Add these five steps to your regular grooming routine and you will look younger before you know it. With the proper care, you can keep your beard and still look younger! Now please share any other tips that work for you in the comments below!

Add some new zing to your look and your beard for spring

It’s time for spring — north of the equator, that is — and it brings longer days, warmer weather, and maybe a new beard style! One of the great things about having a beard is the ability to change it up whenever you like. Maybe you’ve kept your face nice and toasty with a big beard all winter but are now ready to trim it down or switch to a different style for a lighter look. Below, we’ve come up with a list of ways in which you can do a little spring cleaning to freshen up your facial hair style as well as other aspects of your grooming program.

Consider new beard ideas for spring

If you’re the kind of man who likes to keep his beard the same all year long, that’s great!  We salute you.  However, springtime represents a time for renewal and fresh starts.  Changing up your beard can transform you with a fresh new look. So if you’re game for a beard change, there’s no time like the present.

While we always strongly advocate for the full beard for those who are capable of growing the full beard, you can still change up your full beard while keeping your full beard.  If your full beard is still wild and woolly from the winter growth season, lightening it up with a trim down to a shorter length can give you a sharp new look for spring.

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Trimming your full beard short can give you a lighter feeling and a sharp new look for spring.

If you feel like making an even bigger change to your beard, consider switching to another style such as a goatee and mustache combo. Or go for the similar yet bolder extended goatee.   Maybe now would be a good time to have fun with a temporary switch to the chin curtain.  Check out our beard style guide and select a style that you’d like to try.  Or be creative and design your own unique beard style.

Develop a skincare routine

A great beard needs a solid foundation. And a healthy beard comes from healthy skin. Harsh winter weather may have left your skin feeling dry and flaky, which does not provide the greatest grounds for growing and maintaining facial hair. The good news is that this can be quickly corrected with the proper skincare routine. The first step is determining your skin type. The American Academy of Dermatology lists skin types as follows:

  1. Sensitive skin may sting or burn after product use
  2. Normal skin is clear and not sensitive
  3. Dry skin is flaky, itchy or rough
  4. Oily skin is shiny and greasy
  5. Combination skin is dry in some areas and oily in others

Knowing your skin type will give you a better idea of which products you should use. Always use skin care products that are gentle on your skin that will maintain your face and scalp as clean and healthy places for hair to grow.  If you are in doubt about your skin type and which products would be best for you, it’s a good idea to check with a medical professional.

Maintain your mane

In addition to a facial hair change-up, many men welcome the warmer weather with a new hairstyle. Whether you opt for a shorter cut or a new hairstyle altogether, there are plenty of products out there to assist you in maintaining the hair on your head. Like skin, hair types vary depending on the individual and this determines factors such as how often you should wash your hair and which products you should use. For some men, growing hair on the face comes much easier than growing hair on the top of the head. If you’re in this boat, there’s no need to worry! Something as simple as switching up your hairstyle is a quick fix and will give you the confidence you need to look and feel your best. Following a diet full of foods that are rich in nutrients and vitamins is a great way to support healthy hair growth as well.

Invest in the proper tools

You can do everything right when it comes to the beard-growing process, but if you don’t have the proper tools to maintain your beard, you won’t look your best. Investing in a quality beard trimmer is key to keeping your facial hair looking its best at all times. While there are plenty of beard trimmers on the market from which to choose, when selecting a beard trimmer you should shop around and make your purchase based on the features that will best suit you and your facial hair.

The same goes for choosing a proper razor. If your new beard style is one that means you’ll be doing a lot of shaving, like with the goatee or chin curtain, you’ll need a quality razor. If you don’t want to bother with getting razors at the store, you might consider getting razors via subscription. Many companies now offer a basic plan in which you can tailor products and tools to fit your needs. This allows you to try out their products and then decide what’s best based on your shaving needs.

Overall, it’s pretty easy to create your new look for spring. Shedding your cold-weather style for a fresh look will leave you looking and feeling great just in time for the new season.