11 thoughts on “Donovan!”

  1. Whoa, really great! Let’s see more.

    Looking forward to seeing him in Featured Beards!

  2. Stunning beard!!! And that haircut is the perfect compliment to that big beard! So Steve, do you know if Donovan is going to continue growing out that masterpiece?

  3. Thanks, Greg! Word from Donovan was that he will continue to grow it, but will be trimming it back some in the near future. This photo shoot was scheduled to capture the beard before that happened.

  4. What a shame………… It was just getting good too. He could grow an awesome BIG beard if it were allowed to reach its max potential……………

  5. Nathan is right. That guy’s beard is beyond awesome ! Congratulations, Donovan, for growing such a masterpiece, and thanks for showing the world that nothing is more awe-inspiring than a handsome man with an impressive beard.

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