Tag Archives: photography

Chris: beard thick and strong

Chris is a great guy with a really great beard. Chris’ beard is one that some would rightfully call a heavy beard. His beard is exceptionally thick and the area it covers is broad. With beard growth so dense, Chris prefers to keep it trimmed short during the months of hot weather. Even with his beard trimmed short, it’s always impressive. His beard growth is so strong that after just a couple of days without shaving, it looks like he’s grown a proper beard already.

Last month, I saw Chris by chance at the Tulsa Tough cycling event. An avid cyclist, Chris has participated in the Tulsa Tough race in the past. This year he just came to watch. He kindly offered to do some more photos for beards.org that afternoon as well as the following day. The weather on both days was bright sunshine and brutal heat. But Chris cheerfully braved the heat so that we could get some new photos. Some sample shots from both days appear in the gallery below.

It had been quite a while since I’d last seen Chris. This time his beard had just been freshly trimmed down short for the summer heat. Along with the trim, his beard had been shaped down a bit with the neck line a little higher and the cheek line lower, presenting a crisp, well-defined short beard. During the photo shoot, he showed me a photo from last winter in which he had he had let his beard all grow, substantially. The difference was amazingly impressive. One of these days, we finally need to do a photo shoot with Chris’ full-on winter beard! Meanwhile, the summer version of Chris’ beard, thick and strong, is pretty impressive, too.

Click on any of the images below to view a larger version.

See more of Chris

View more photos of Chris with his incredible beard here:

Chris’ awesome, industrial-strength beard

Bearded at night: Chris

Maybe a great beard is just what you need this year

Beard update: Chris

Twenty-one years, all about beards

All About BEARDS celebrated its twenty-first anniversary on January 17, 2017. This video featuring photos and video from selected beards.org photo shoots marks the momentous occasion!  Many thanks go to all of the site’s friends from throughout the years.

Wade’s beard: Wow!

Published: September 16, 2016.
Last updated: May 3, 2024.

Wade kindly participated in a beards.org photo shoot yesterday.  Here are some sample photos from the session.  Click on any image below to view larger. (Click “X”, the back button, or press the ESC key to return.) Stay tuned for more!

Wade's beard
Wade's beard
Wade's beard
Wade's beard
Wade's beard
Wade's beard

Thanks, Wade!

beard update: Chris

I recently saw Chris riding his bicycle.  He agreed to pause for some quick photos.  We then planned to meet again the next day to take more.  Here are some shots from the first quick photo session.

Click on any image below to view a larger version.

See more of Chris

View more photos of Chris with his incredible beard here:

Chris’ awesome, industrial-strength beard

Bearded at night: Chris

Maybe a great beard is just what you need this year

Chris: beard thick and strong

Maybe a great beard is just what you need this year.

all about beards' twentieth anniversary
Today is the site’s twentieth anniversary!

It began with the heartfelt desire to communicate to the world that beards should not only be accepted, they should be appreciated and encouraged.  This also included the objective of providing would-be beard growers with useful beard-growing information, inspiration, and support.

Building strength through numbers, the idea was to get as many men as possible to grow their beards.  The more beards there are, the more common a sight they become.  Over time, this leads to greater acceptance of beards as “normal”.  And the more acceptance beards gain, pervasive anti-beard bias begins to subside more and more.

Chris' amazing beard progress

It is deeply gratifying to know that all about beards has encouraged thousands of men all around the world to grow their beards.  Even though not all have kept their beards, each one counts as a victory because at least they all got to experience what it is like to grow your beard and be a bearded man.  It is also gratifying to hear from these newly-bearded men how proud they are of their beards and how great they feel about themselves with their beards.

Just as important as encouraging men to grow their beards has been providing them with the information needed to grow their beards properly and to avoid common beard-ruining mistakes.  Whenever I see a man in the beginning phase of growing a beard who has already badly misshapen the nascent beard, I am reminded that the site’s information on how to properly grow a beard still needs to spread further.

Chris' amazing beard progress

All about beards launched on the worldwide web twenty years ago today on January 17, 1996.  It started out on AOL member web space where it began to grow and thrive.  The original URL, now-defunct, was http://members.aol.com/beardguy .  All about beards moved to its new permanent home at beards.org on January 20, 2005.  To this day, all about beards continues to use the original beardguy@aol.com email address for regular correspondence.

Heartfelt thanks go out to all of the site’s loyal friends, supporters, and contributors.  Thanks for bearing with me as the site is going through some more growing pains.  The plan is for all about beards to keep growing and get better and better.

Chris' amazing beard progress

If after twenty years of all about beards you have not yet grown your beard, what are you waiting for?  all about beards guide to growing a beardMaybe a great beard is just what you need this year.

This post is illustrated with sample photos from another beard growth progress photo shoot with Chris a few days ago.  Chris’ amazing beard growth is just getting started and is making fast progress.   Click on any photo to see a larger version.  Use your browser’s back button to return to this page.

Chris' amazing beard progress

See more of Chris

View more photos of Chris with his incredible beard here:

Chris’ awesome, industrial-strength beard

Bearded at night: Chris

Beard update: Chris

Chris: beard thick and strong

Bearded at night: Chris

Chris recently raised his beard’s cheek line that had been fairly low.  The new beard growth for the higher cheek line is now perfectly even with the previously-existing beard growth.  So Chris is now ready to let it all grow out together.  His beard is very powerful.  So, watch out!

Last night, Chris braved cold temperatures, wind, rain, and the dark of night to get some new photos of his beard’s progress.  Above are some sample shots.  Click on an image above to view a larger version.

See more of Chris

View more photos of Chris with his incredible beard here:

Chris’ awesome, industrial-strength beard

Maybe a great beard is just what you need this year

Beard update: Chris

Chris: beard thick and strong

Chris’ awesome, industrial-strength beard

Chris has some of the strongest beard growth you’ll ever see.  His beard has exceptional density, thickness, and coverage.  At the moment he is transitioning his beard from a low cheek line to a much higher cheek line.  To help blend the established growth with the new, he recently trimmed back his overall beard.  Soon, both growth phases will blend seamlessly into one solid, powerful beard.  Chris kindly agreed to participate in a beards.org photo shoot today.  Below are some sample images from today’s photo shoot.  Thanks, Chris!

Click on any of the images below to see a larger version.

See more of Chris

View more photos of Chris with his incredible beard here:

Bearded at night: Chris

Maybe a great beard is just what you need this year

Beard update: Chris

Chris: beard thick and strong

David’s second beard photo shoot!

Another business trip provided a second opportunity for a beards.org photo shoot with David. Here are some sample shots from today’s photo shoot. You can see that his beard growth is more substantial than at the first photo shoot. He has been both growing and trimming to strike a balance for his job. David has also raised his beard’s cheek line since the previous shoot. Thanks again, David, and keep growing!

David's outstanding beard
David's outstanding beard
David's outstanding beard
David's outstanding beard
David's outstanding beard
David's outstanding beard