Tag Archives: grow

Get your beard-growing going: No-Shave November 2021

Make 2021’s No-Shave November a No-Shave November to remember.

2020 and 2021 have been rough, or worse, for nearly everyone. They haven’t been full of the best times and happiest memories. Maybe we’d like to just forget about these two years altogether.

When times are bad we just have to do our best and make the most of it.

So why not use the opportunity of No-Shave November to get your beard-growing going and grow your beard? This especially applies to you guys who have never grown your beards before. Wait no more. Make your move and start growing.

Take a stand and get your beard-growing going: No-shave November 2021.
Take a stand and get your beard-growing going. Make No-shave November 2021 the one to remember. Now’s your time to be the man you were meant to be: a bearded man! Click on image to view larger.

Even if the rest of 2021 so far hasn’t been the greatest, you can finish it off with a beard-growing adventure starting right now in November and continuing through December and beyond.

At the very least, you can still experience the joy of growing a new beard in 2021. And that will definitely be something to remember…and to keep and cherish for years to come! Come on now, let’s grow!

Happy New Beard Year 2021

One year ago today I was full of optimism for the new year and new decade. Before long, however, nothing turned out how I expected for 2020. I am not alone in experiencing the year that way.

Sometimes I wonder if I should not express optimism at the start of a new year. Too many times, years that started out brimming with optimism and new hope seemingly turned out all wrong. Sometimes I have to remind myself that it’s important to hold on to optimism no matter what. That’s what keeps us moving onward toward better days.

Look with favor upon a bold beginning.


This quote from Virgil came to mind when I sat down to write this post. Every day can be a bold new beginning. New Year’s Day is always a good time for a new bold beginning. While the first day of 2021 may not be a complete reset from the final days of 2020, we can choose to approach it as a bold new beginning.

Look with favor upon a bold beginning: Chris and his beard

For 2021, let’s boldly grow our beards and encourage others to join us. Growing a new beard is a wonderful bold beginning. Don’t hold back. Grow your beard.

Throughout 2021, let’s always strive to do our best. Be kind to each other. Be helpful to one another. Go forward with a heart full of compassion, optimism, hope, and courage.

Today and every day I will “look with favor upon a bold beginning”. I urge you to do the same. Now I wish all beard-growers, beard fans, and their families, friends, and colleagues a happy and prosperous 2021!

Grow your beard! It’s No-Shave November 2019.

Welcome, new beard growers! Don’t be shy. If you’ve never grown your beard, now is the time to boldly grow where you’ve never grown before.

Although, any time is a good time to start growing out your beard, there’s no better time to start than during No-Shave November. There is strength in numbers. You won’t be alone in your beard-growing effort. And if your beard-growing confidence gets a little shaky when confronted with objections or criticisms by others, you can justify your new beard growth by pointing out that it’s No-Shave November.

You can grow your new beard with confidence and success by following our proven guide on how to grow a beard. So don’t delay. Start growing out your beard today!

Chris shows off his new beard growth as an example for No-Shave November.
Grow your beard for No-Shave November…and beyond!

And when November ends, don’t stop there. Keep growing! We hope that once you go beard, you’ll never go back.

Be sure to go here and grow your beard:

How to grow a beard
How to grow a beard

Grow your beard: No-shave November 2018

Another No-shave November has arrived. No-shave November is always one of the best times to grow a new beard, especially for first-time beard growers. No-shave November gives new beard growers a ready-made justification for growing. Just say that it’s No-shave November!

Even if you miss out on starting to grow your new beard at the beginning of the month, don’t let that discourage you. Start anyway at any time during the month.

And don’t think that the end of November should automatically mean the end of your new beard. Let your November beard growth serve as motivation to keep growing through December and beyond.

No-shave November 2018. Beard: Scott with a shorter beard

Growing a beard for the first time can be daunting. Never fear, however! Growing that first beard should be a fun adventure and a true growth experience in more ways than one. You can learn a lot about yourself and others by growing your beard. One of the most important keys to successful beard growing is to stay committed. Do not let others convince you to give up and shave with their criticism and teasing. Stay strong and grow your beard!

I always welcome new beard growers to the bearded brotherhood at any time. I especially like to welcome them during No-shave November. It is always a great opportunity to add more beards to the world. And that is a good thing!

So, welcome, new beard growers! May your beards grow and flourish and bring you great satisfaction.

To help you along your way, follow our tried-and-true beard-growing guide: How to grow a beard

Please help spread the joy of growing new beards and share this post with anyone who should grow his beard!

Happy No-shave November 2018!

Happy New Beard Year 2018!

All about beards wishes each and everyone of you a happy and prosperous New Year 2018.  This is the year to grow your best beard yet.  And we are here to help.

Let’s all grow strong.  Have a great beard and a great New Beard Year 2018!

No-Shave November 2017: Welcome, new beard growers!

If you’ve never grown your beard before, today is a great time to start. Today is the first day of No-Shave November. Did you shave today? If you did, it’s not too late to stop shaving and start growing your beard. You can easily justify your new beard-growing adventure by saying that it’s No-Shave November. And all about beards | beards.org can teach you everything you need to know to achieve beard-growing success. To get started, head on over to our guide on how to grow a beard.

We hope that growing your beard will be a satisfying and enjoyable experience. We are always pleased to welcome new beard growers to the ranks of bearded men worldwide. We’ve been doing it since 1996!

Be sure to keep in mind that once No-Shave November ends, you are encouraged to stay with your new beard and keep it growing. You have only just begun! Your beard deserves more than a month. We hope that you will keep on growing and will convert to a dedicated, permanent beard grower. And even if you end up shaving for whatever reason, you can always grow the beard again. And you probably should!

Happy No-Shave November and happy beard-growing to all!

Now head on over to our guide on how to grow a beard and start growing!

No-Shave November 2016

No-Shave November 2016
Wade is an accomplished beard grower. Now it’s time to show the world what you can grow!

Welcome, new beard growers!

Today is the beginning of No-Shave November 2016. It is a perfect opportunity for you to try out your beard-growing ability. We are happy to welcome new beard growers into the bearded brotherhood. Beards.org is here to encourage, inspire, and guide you through the beard-growing process. You will never know how your beard will turn out unless you give it a chance to grow out.

Go ahead and grow your beard! No-Shave November, however, is just the beginning. To do your new beard justice, you should keep it growing into December and beyond. Each beard is unique as is its rate of growth. For most men, just one month of beard-growing will not be enough to produce optimum results. Give your new beard more time before making a decision on whether or not to keep it. We hope you will stay with it and become yet another successful beard grower!

Now to get started on your beard the right way, go check out our tried-and-true instructions on how to grow your beard! Good luck and enjoy your new beard-growing adventure!

No-shave November 2015: Welcome, new beard growers!

Welcome, new beard growers!
Welcome, new beard growers!

No-shave November is a perfect opportunity to make the transition from a shaved face to a bearded one.  And at the end of November, why throw away all your new growth?  Why not stay with the beard and let it continue to flourish and grow into a permanent beard you can wear with pride?

So don’t wait!  Don’t shave!  The best place to get your new beard started is with our beards.org guide to growing a beard.  Follow the guidance there to achieve your best beard success.  You’ll be glad you did!

the importance of hanging in there

A site visitor wrote in with encouraging words that underscore the value of not abandoning all hope. His essay is quoted here, with permission, in its entirety:

I would like to offer encouragement to all fair-haired guys who have lost faith in their capabilities for beard growing when they compare themselves to their dark friends with steel wool whiskers who have a visible beard after 3 or 4 days of not shaving.

I have light brown hair but nature saw it fit to give me a white blond mustache and mouche and light brown sideburns with a slight reddish cast to them (Scottish ancestors I guess). I never tried to grow a beard for more than 3 or so weeks as it always looked like one of those attempts which one forces in high school — patchy, multicolored, and feeble, with bits missing between the goatee and the sideburns. It also seemed to grow extremely slowly (when compared to other people).

After not shaving on an extended vacation the year I turned 35, I was freed of the self-judgement and self-consciousness which usually put paid to my attempts in the past and I hung in there for more than a month. My beard underwent a dramatic transformation after 6 weeks, when all of a sudden it filled in and out and looked like a Beard!

When I shaved it off after a couple of months (a mistake which I set about rectifying as soon as I had done it), my boss’ comment to me was: “why did you shave, the beard made you look ‘power'”!

Since I have grown it back, I have been getting nothing but good feedback from people (male and female) and it has done wonders for my confidence in my appearance.

So to all of you mouse-brown, blond, or ginger guys out there, give it at least 6 — 8 weeks. Hang in there and let it grow, you will be surprised with the results.